eighth day pt.2

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I'm frozen. I can't move and I no longer can hear anything... I see darkness even though my eyes are open. Suddenly I hear an angel speaking. I realised that angle was actually Jack.
Is all he said. How did that happen even...I don't remember it...what do I remember? I was fighting with my parents about what's going on in my head. They were angry and dissapointed in me because I wasn't "normal kid they wanted". I then remembered being sent to the place where I met Jack,Felix and Mark. I was told that they called them to pick me up and that they never want to see me again.
"It's true...I'm sorry..."
"It's not. They wanted me out of there life so they called people from mental hospital to take me there...even if it was true...why is Jack here?"
"He killed his last girlfriend before he came here...Signe."
"Now that's Bullshit. I never knew anyone with that name."
"Neither of you remembers it because you were on strong drugs to forget that happening. We thought that it would help you get recovery faster. You killed your parents because they said it would be better if they never had you...you killed your girlfriend because you were sure she cheated on you...we don't know did she actually did it...your own parents were scared of you so they disowned you after the incident,and that's why they didn't visited. The rest of your family members were just disgusted by having a murder in there family so they disowned you too."
"But...but...I talked to a friend beck in my country few days ago and he/she seemed fine with talking to a killer."
"Because it's not something you just tell anyone. No-one but your psychologists and some family members knows about this."
It...can't be true...right? I mean...does that make me a bad person? They deserved it...they hated me...and Jack...will he try to kill me if he gets idea that I cheat on him? Maybe she did more than just cheat? I can totally imagine me killing my parents...I hated them...but Jack is like angel to me...I could never tell there is blood on his hands...I shook out of my thoughts when Jack started crying.
"I killed her...I killed someone..."
"I know it feels bad but I love you...I don't care if you killed someone...I still love you."
"Don't you understand? What if I get that rage again? What if I...kill...you?"
"You won't...I know you won't..."
"Miss L/N and mister McLoughlin I'm sorry I head to tell you..."
With that she left us alone in small room. Jack stopped crying after some time and looked at me.
"What is wrong with me?"
"Nothing. No-one knows for sure what happened. Maybe she tried to kill you and you did that in defence. And from shock of taking someone's life away you forgot what happened."
"You think."
We hugged and after guys outside herd that crying stopped they got inside.

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