tenth day

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Felix's POV
It has been two days since Y/N and Jack were dragged beck in some prison like hospital. Today we went beck to work. We asked their doctor if she knows where they took them. She said the name that I'm far too familiar with. That's where they took my best friend from highschool. I wanted to see him more often so I became care take,but than his parents said he's in this vary strict hospital. He's there after trying to kill one teacher. He got this mental breakdown and he started to feel lot of rage and one day teacher was yelling at him about to many missing classes and just pull out a knife and someone called police and one thing led to another.
"Mark I know that place."
"Yea...but only killers are sent there..."
"You're probably wrong then."
"He's not. The girl killed her parents and guy killed his girlfriend."
"No...we were their care takers while they were here there's no way they did something like that...they would tell us."
"How could they if we made them forget it?"
Mark started to laugh.
"You're kidding...right?"
"Mark...we have to see them."
"As soon as possible."
"Sure...take a day off just after you went on vacation...I don't care."
That night,we prepared to go visit our friends.
Today is my second visit to psychologist. It appears that we can't have appointments every day so I'm going today,witch means Jack went yesterday and is going tomorrow. She finally walked in.
"Hi Y/N. How are you?"
"Why do I have to skip breakfast?"
"You won't die without food for few more hours."
I stood up and went creepily close to her face and whispered.
"Don't stand in between me and food,or there will be consequences. Understand?"
"I-I do...so...how are you feeling?"
"I'm hungry!"
"Ok...besides that?"
"I fell tired...I had to wake up early to go here."
"I meant like...are you angry,happy, depressed,sad..."
"I think I'm angry..."
"What else?"
"I kinda feel empty..."
"How empty?"
"Well...I miss some people and I miss living with Jack and I'm FUCKING HUNGRY!"
"Maybe if you cooperate with me,we'll finish early enough for you to eat."
"God. Now have you met someone new?"
"We met guy named Cry. He's kinda cool."
"Oh. That's...good I guess. How do you like your room?"
"It misses something..."
"Do you know that he gave me same answer to this question yesterday?"
"Now I know."
"You two are vary similar."
"Is that good?"
"Haha,that's enough for today darling. See you soon."
I did ate breakfast,but with people from other side of hospital. After that guard walked me to my room. Soon after,a woman walked in handy me a huge bag.
"I'm here to give you your stuff officers took from your past apartment."
"Thank you."
She walked out. I looked in bag hopeing that something cool would be there but there was just cloths I can't wear because I have to wear this shit and some other stuff. A toothbrush, perfume,hair brush some shoes and...game boy! My hole world lit up when I saw that I won't just do nothing here. There was also a some books,notebook,pencil and small ball. Maybe it's not gonna be so boring in here. Soon lunch came and I sat at the table with Jack and Cry. After lunch we were sent to office.
"I'm happy to tell you that you have a visit tomorrow!"
"That must be a mistake."
"No,they specifically asked to visit McLoughlin and Y/L."
"Does Felix Kjellberg and Mark Fischbach sound familiar?"

Hi...I wanted to ask you if you'd rather like to have a normal visit or Mark and Felix help you escape. Pleas comment your opinion.

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