10- Let her know

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Zane POV~

I'm waiting for her to get out of surgery I want to talk to her when she does. I have to let her know how much I care. I saw her on the bed she saw sleeping peacefully, "she's still under the effects of the Anesthetics, it might be a while before she wakes up," the doctor said. Him and the nurse that wheeled her in left. I looked her over and saw that she had her hearing aid on her left ear, her head was laying on the other side so it was exposed. She looks like nothing was wrong when she's asleep, it almost is a relief to see her like this but she's still in the hospital which is the unnerving part.

She woke up, her eye's opened slowly and her eye color looked normal and she looked very out of it. "I'll go let them know she's awake," mom said and kissed Crystal's forehead before she left.

"Z-Zane, your here," she said sounding very tired. But her eye's changed from teal to a slight green, she was a little happy to see me but still confused, and tired. 

"Of course I would, I... I care about you, you're my big sister," I said and she smiled. "I know I don't say much to you, or anyone that doesn't mean I don't notice anything, I see when your sad or disappointed, when you're angry and happy, I want you to be happy. I don't like seeing you in any other emotion, and I don't want to know any other sister because I miss you and who you are," I said and she reached her hand out to me I took it and I smiled, she did two.

"I'm glad that you care, I couldn't ask for anything more than who you are because I don't want to know any other Zane than you, I care about you too," she said and I hugged her.


Crystal POV~

I missed sound I watched some TV and I heard the door opened. it was just the nurse coming and checking on me once again, mom said I would be here most of the time and I would feel like I'm in pain for a while, so that hasn't changed. I just wish I'm not so selfish, I wish I listened to Garroth and maybe Irene wouldn't punish me for my action's. 

I grew tired, it happens when you don't do anything for most of the day.

Laurence POV~

I walked to where she's staying at, she's not going to be at school or home. She's going to be here, it frightens me that she's staying here. I really want to be there for her but she has the mindset that Garroth was right, he's not I want the old Crystal back the carefree spirit who had enough room in her heart for anyone, a music that could never die down, the Crystal I know and love. 

I opened the door and saw her sleeping how she normally sleeps. I smiled at the sight of her, I give anything to have her sleep beside me again. I sat in the chair next to her bed and held her hand and smiled, she woke up still tired but she smiled when she saw me. Tired eyes a weak smile "hey, Crystal how are you feeling?" I asked her.

"tired the anesthesia they suggested that I sleep but I wanted to watch some TV before I did," she said I chuckled a little.

"you missed hearing TV that much uh?" I said she giggled a small bit.

"Yes, but not as much as I missed hearing your voice," she said I smiled. "I just wish that conditions were better, I just don't want you to worry or get hurt if this doesn't work, I'm just looking out for you because I love you," she said. I moved closer to her and kissed her forehead.

"I know but I just can't stand to let you go" I said and she put both hands on mine.

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