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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ THE VARIETY OF cars honked loudly as the drivers grew impatient, most blowing hard breaths from their lips as they look ahead the car in front of them out of their window to see what the hold up could possibly be. Latrell shuffled the money between both of his meaty hands quickly, counting in his head to make sure it was the exact estimate of the due ticket of his current customer. He reached into the old grocery store bag he'd brought, grabbing some of the dirty money, mixing it into the register and some with the driver's change. He handed it out of the glassed booth to the man.

Latrell pressed firmly down on the red button for the operated boom barrier gate to lift and let the car exit as the next car pulled up to the window in a abrupt halt, jerking the driver's body forward to a small degree. It'd been nearly a week and a half since their big heist so they wasted not even a spare second in getting the money laundered. As Latrell blew out a breath, grabbing the ticket that'd been handed to him, Gyro walked up to his usual teller as he was called next.

He had only a little over three hundred of his portion of the money, mixing it with his work pay as it usual came in smaller bills. They had to tone down the suspension as much as possible. He licked over pinkish tinted lips, lubricating them more as they stretched into a smirk. His usual banker, Ariel, smiled small as she looked forward over him and he leaned over on her counter. "What's up, Rie. You looking fine as always on this nice afternoon."

She grabbed the small pouch he'd brought the money in, dumping it out with the same small smile plastered on her face as she now looked down, her mink lashes brushing against her upper cheeks. "Mhm, would you like this to be directly deposited into your account?" Gyro gapped his mouth with a chuckle at her ignoring his comment, poked his tongue into his cheek, and nodded agreeing.

"Yeah, baby. That'll work." Ariel looked up at him for a moment, raising her brow in amusement in his choice of words before shuffling half of the money between both hands while sticking the other half into the machine that sat beside her on the counter and assisted in counting loose money.

She mouthed the numbers, her full lips moving with every syllable as a reminder where she'd previously left off in the matter of the few seconds. "Can you tell I had a good week?" Gyro inquired. Ariel sniggered beneath her breath and resumed with the prior number she'd mouth. "When you gonna let me take you out?" Gyro continued to question her to really distract her and bit into his bottom lip, glancing over the counter to examine her full outfit –that only consisted of her uniform banking shirt and black fitted slacks.

His eyes shot back up to hers as she slammed the money on it's side against the counter, done with counting it just as the machine was. She added it together mentally, jotting it down swiftly along his money order. Ariel looked forward, meeting eyes with him again as she sat the money to the side to deposit and handed him the paper. Though the paper was thin, the money it held was thick.

"Maybe." Was her only response and Gyro rubbed his thumb and index over his mustache in the same moment.

"Maybe on me taking you out?"

"Maybe." She stated smartly, amused from the entire conversation. Gyro chucked a short, but sharp laugh with a closed mouth. He grabbed her banker business card from the side and the chained pen before marking it with his number beneath her business one. He handed it over and she resisted looking down at it, only took it between her fingers. "Your number, huh?" Ariel questioned.

Gyro couldn't resist in replying, "Maybe." He turned from her booth on the heel of his sneakers and walked towards the exit, pulling the double doors inward as her voice announced next in the small distance. He trailed to his mustang, unlocking it by key, and got inside. He squeezed the steering wheel between his fist, looking up at the building.

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