Chapter Three- Hangouts and Hyancinths

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- Hours After The Events Of Chapter Two -

Ethan was just getting ready to leave work. He whipped off his apron, storing it on his hanger. He cleaned up as much as he could, even though he missed a spot of dirt on his neck.

He screamed out a goodbye to Mark when his shift was officially over, rushing out the door.

Luckily, Tyler's house wasn't too far from the shop, maybe fifteen minutes of walking. And so, the small boy set off to his new friends house, his goofy, adorable smile plastered all across his face.  Not even his eyes could hide his excitement.

Sure, he was tired as fuck.  He didn't get a good sleep after he went to bed after playing Mario Kart until one am, and he didn't have any coffee that morning.  He felt dead on his feet.

When he reached the house, he immediately felt jealous.  Tyler lived in a small, but charming house, with a really nice garden out front. Heck, he even had a small pond. It was Ethans dream house, and he really wanted to spend more time here.  [ ;) ]

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When Ethan knocked on the door, Tyler really understood what it meant to work in a flower shop.

He opened the door, looking down at his really, really short but super cute new friend.

Ethan looked like he just got out of the garden.  He had a smear of dirt on his neck, there were blue and green flower petals in his fluffy dyed blue hair, and there was, what, maybe a hyacinth sticking out of his pocket.

He looked like a mess, but he expected nothing more.  Heck, they could be messes together.  Well, Tyler thought that he looked like a mess; scruffy brown hair, red flannel and jeans, and stubbly chin.  Like he said, they could be messes together.

Ethan seemed to perk up once he opened the door, chirping out a really, really cute little "Hiya man! Wowie, your house is really cool!" Tyler thought that his heart would explode.

So, he ushered his new friend inside, showing him the bathrooms, bedrooms, living room, kitchen and storage room.  He didn't think his house was too amazing, it was kinda cluttered, but the blue boy seems to think that it was perfect.

They ended up on the couch in the living room, he was setting up his Switch, while Ethan was watching curiously.  Little did he know that his friend had stayed up all night practicing.

Tyler plopped on the couch, handing the other a controller, and selecting Mario Kart.

Let me tell you, it did not go as he planned.  Tyler was good, like, really really good at Mario Kart, he always knew the secret passages that would put him on top, and used his items strategically.

But Ethan had practiced too much for him to catch up.  The smaller male won almost all the matches, Tyler having won only two.  Damn, Ethan was good in more way than one.

They chatted through another set of races, not really trying, only trying to knock each other off the track and delay one another. It was great.  But, all great things must come to an end.... and then a new one starts.

He could tell that Ethan was tired. He kept yawning, which made Tyler yawn, and there were these big ol bags under his eyes. Sure, they made his eyes and his hair look even better than they already do.

And what do tired people do when they have a long day and feel comfortable? They fall asleep.

And that's what Ethan did. He fell asleep, with his head resting on Tyler's shoulder.

Tyler felt a little weight on his shoulder, followed by a swathe of blue hair on his neck.  His face erupted into redness, his blush even creeping down his neck and up to his ears.

He studied the others serene, sleeping face, marvelling the calm aura, totally different than the loud, rambunctious Ethan that he knew in his waking hours.

God, he loved that face, that beautiful splattered goofy face.  He loves that soft, fluffy dies hair that reminded him of some alien grass. He loved those warm hazel eyes, the eyes that he could get lost in, the ones that welcomed anyone and everything that came in his way

No homo tho

Hah, just kidding, a lot of homo, but Tyler's convincing himself it's no homo.

Stop denying your gayness.  At least Ethan doesn't deny his.

Anyways, Tyler just kinda tried to scoot away from Ethan, maybe lay him down on the couch, but no, that would only happen in a great world, and this was a perfect world.

Tyler ended up having his back against the couch, with Ethan laying on top of him. Cue the freak out.

Ethan was basically cuddling into his chest, a content expression adorning his features, along with a cute small smile.  Tyler knew that he fucked up, but the small boy didn't weigh much... and he was really warm.... and it was really comfortable.

God, he wanted to stay there forever.  He slowly, slightly awkwardly brought his arms up, and wrapped them around Ethan, hugging him to his chest.  Both males were now sharing heat, warmth circling through both of their bodies.  Tyler's lips cracked into a smile, laying his head back on the couch, and drifting off.

Thank god it was only seven o clock.

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When Ethan woke up, it was dark. He could barely see anything, and it was all quiet.  The only sounds that could be heard was the soft breathing of someone near by.

He felt warm, yet he couldn't feel anything except for a band of something around his waist.


He didn't remember falling asleep last night.  He tried to sit up on the earn surface he was cuddled to, but the warm band around his waist kept him from moving.  Wait- those are arms.  Specifically, Tyler's arms.

Ethan gave a small squeak, looking down at the barely visable form of his friend.  He sighed, god it was warm. He was really warm.  Aaaand, there goes his face, blushing like crazy.  How did they get in this position? All he remembered was his head falling on to Tyler's shoulder and BAM, lights out.

Maybe Tyler shifted them into this position so he could be more comfortable.  Yeah, that's it.  He quickly checked the time, 3:58 am.  He could just lie here a bit longer...

He could feel the taller male shift beneath him, fighting his grip around his waist.  Ethan blushed lightly, and nuzzled into his chest, heaving a happy, content sigh.

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