The one hundredth hunger games

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  • Dedicated to My close friend who introduced me to my new obsession with the hunger games. i'm

"Wait! Wait! congratulations to the victors of the seventy-fourth annual hunger games!"

Large smiles spread across the faces of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. But it is too late. The berries have done their job. They collapse on the ground.

Ladies and gentlemen there is no victor for the seventy-fourth hunger games. everything stays the same. there is no rebellion. there is no hope. life continues for all of the districts. This story is about the life of a girl in district four, fishing.

"she's out there again."

She says, her dark, slender silhouette gently perched by the open window.

"She'll be fine, she goes almost everyday."

He replies, sighing. He acts like he doesn't care, but it scares him when she leaves, some day she might not come back.

"She took Rickey with her today."

She says, holding a cracker to her lips.

"Maybe she'll teach her how to hunt."

He shrugs.

"Rickey has her heart set on becoming a teacher. She'll probably sell all of her game to save up for collage."

She chuckles.

"Should we tell her parents?"

She asks, sounding a bit more concerned.

"No, let them sleep. They were doing double shifts last night."

He answers, rubbing her shoulders.

"I'm heading down to start fishing ok?"

She says, standing up slowly.


He says, and kissed her on the forehead. The mother left to go fishing while in the forest her daughter was hunting with her best friend Rickey.

"And this is called a night lock berry, they might look good, but they'll kill you before they even hit your stomach."


All that she sees next is a small knife impaling a squirrel.

"That's how you get a good kill."

Rickey gagged

"Gross, its twitching."

"Its lunch."

"Are you sure its ok to skip school?"

"You're still learning. And mom said she'll tell the school that we're both sick."


Rickey was my best friend in the whole world. She couldn't do anything wrong. I used to be like that too, but I was forced to change. My name is Riley and I live in district 4, fishing. I live in a house with twelve other people. Every house has at least ten people. Unless you live in the Victor's Village. Only the winners live there. There you get lots of food, no work or school and you don't have to worry about almost anyhting. The only way to get there is if you win the hunger games. Even if it means food, I don't want to go through that.

I hear rustling leaves that forces me to snap out of my thoughts. I grab my knife and hold it ready, Rickey does the same and we stand back to back. I signal in the direction the sound came from. We silently go forewards until I can hear it again.

"Quick climb!"

I hear a stern whisper. A moment later the branches on the trees move slightly.

"Do you think they saw us?"

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