Chapter 1

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Yoongi pushed his best friend against the nearest tree. 

"What the hell were you thinking about attempting to sacrifice yourself, you should have not considered this option, your life is too valuable to just throw away, if you do anything like this again, I will kill you myself then bring you back then kill you again" Yoongi said hitting Namjoon's chest repeatedly. 

"I'm sorry Yoongi, I really am but please stop hitting me, it hurts" Namjoon said whilst attempting to grab the boy's arms.

"Lexi, my death, would it have restored the balance?" Namjoon asked looking over at the banshee. 

"Yes" Lexi said looking over at the druid, then added "There will be more to come". 

"How do we stop this?" Jimin asked while tending to Lexi's wound.

"The Ultimate Sacrifice" Lexi answered.   

"Then I should have died" Namjoon argued.

"No Joonie, your life isn't worth losing" Jin said entangling his fingers with Namjoon's. 

"You cannot die, you are not destined to die" Lexi said, a dark look appeared for a split second in her eyes.

"Help! Help me! PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" the young woman pleaded, frightenedly shuffling her body backwards further into the desolate alley. 

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you, there's no need to scream"

The woman gazed up at the figure she was backing away from, "You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

"No. I'm going to help you" the figure spoke, edging closer to the woman's vulnerable form.

"I don't want your help" the woman said, she glanced at the encasing dark walls of the alley and began to shout, "PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME!"

The figure approached her fast as she let out a scream, panicking and trying to move herself away. The figure clamped his hand over her mouth and tied up her wrists and ankles, and then carried her away.

The figure then entered a white laboratory with dim lights, he set the girl down onto the metal table and she continued to struggle under the binding ropes and gag.

"Today, my darling, may be the day that the world first witnesses the beginning of a storm, the beginning of a force of creatures to be reckoned with" the figure spoke in a trance of his words, while he prepared the liquid.

The woman continued to struggle, her eyes were wide as the figure approached with a needle.

"This will turn you into a beautiful thing of nightmares" the figure said, injecting the liquid into her system. She grimaced as the needle went in and relaxed as soon as the figure pulled it out.

The figure trailed a line of ash and stood back, waiting.

The woman began to struggle with the ropes, her body going into a fit of spasm and her muscles contracting and stretching. Her screams could be heard even under the gag as her body transformed into a deformed animal.

The figure was gleaming.

But then the figure's face fell.

And the figure burst into a fit of rage watching her body go limp.

"One day..... one day, I promise it will work" the figure cursed, "I will succeed". The figure picked up the woman's body, removing the ropes and gag and taking her into another room where the figure then chucked her onto a bloodied pile of other failed experiments.

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