Chapter 8

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Raven was on her way back from Jimin and Jungkook's house when she saw three girls from Uni that she would prefer not to see. Clara, Sophia and Eunjin were known by the girls as three of the most bitchiest girls, but they were known by the boys as the most desirable girls. Raven didn't hate them but they seemed to hate her, she had a hard time fitting into Uni and her new life and these three girls hadn't helped her situation. They would always whisper about her when she walked past and throw insults at her and when she first joined they made fun of her hair and clothes. Raven wasn't particularly concerned about that, she knew she looked like a wreck back then a lot because she didn't have any other clothes and money or a home. 

She lowered her head slightly hoping that they wouldn't recognise her but her attempts futile as she saw the three of them look at her, whisper and laugh. Raven considered crossing to the other side of the road but that was dropped when several cars came down the street. 

"Hey Raven" Sophia called in a sarcastic tone as the three made their way closer. Raven sighed. The quicker she walked forwards the quicker she can get past them.

"You're actually wearing fresh clothes, oh my god!" Eunjin said mocking her but Raven ignored that comment. The three girls took up the whole path and cars lined the curb, Raven felt like she was trapped.

She walked forwards attempting to get past them but Clara stopped her, holding her wrists while the other two girls blocked off the way past. "I just wanted to say to you today" Clara grimaced while holding Raven's wrists. Raven knew she could easily fight back and win but she didn't want to use them, the violence was unnecessary and she was reluctant for them to find out she was a werewolf, some people were aware of the supernatural while others weren't.

"I think you should make some new friends because the people you're friends with don't actually like you, I cant bare to think how they put up being in the same room as you and I'm going to help them out because if you get anywhere near Min Yoongi there will be consequences for you" Clara spat and pushed Raven against the wall, the three girls walked past and continued down the road snickering.

Raven made her way towards Yoongi's house after wondering around the town area, her thoughts drifted back to her encounter with Clara and her friends in the morning, Clara couldn't control anything outside of Uni. Today was Saturday so no Uni lectures. Raven had stayed over at Jungkook and Jimin's last night because they had decided to have a movie night and they didn't get any answer from Yoongi so he didn't join them. Now Jimin and Jungkook were going out on a date together so Raven left and decided she'd head to Yoongi's as she didn't have anywhere else to go.

She hoped Yoongi was okay as he'd been not himself lately. She climbed up to enter through Yoongi's window but quickly swung herself back round when she saw Yoongi's mum in his room with him, talking. His mum didn't like any of Yoongi's friends apart from Namjoon, and she really hated Lexi and herself. After seeing Yoongi's mother leave his room and telling Yoongi that she would be flying on another trip tonight Raven entered through the window.

Yoongi turned around at the sound and greeted Raven, he then proceeded to lay back on his bed as if thinking about something was exhausting all his energy.

"Why does your room smell like perfume?" Raven asked, she could smell the pungent smell from outside but she wasn't expecting it to get stronger when she went inside.

"It's probably my mum's perfume" Yoongi stated closing his eyes.

"But your mum smell different, I haven't smelt any perfume on her" Raven said but she stopped when she realised Yoongi wasn't listening. He continued to lay there and Raven decided to leave because she was just sat there doing nothing. Yoongi didn't even notice that Raven had left.

"Jungkookie, where are you taking me?" Jimin asked as his boyfriend carried him to the location of their date, Jimin was blindfolded to prevent him for figuring out where they were going.

"You will see in a minute" Jungkook answered.

Jungkook gently put his boyfriend's feet onto the ground and turned his boyfriend around so he would directly look at what Jungkook had planned for their date.

"Open your eyes" Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist. Jimin opened his eyes and gasped at the sight.

"This is beautiful Jungkook, I love it" Jimin said turning in his boyfriend's arms and pressing a kiss to his lips.

"I'm glad, shall we eat" Jungkook said walking over to the blanket which was lay out with all of Jimin's favourite foods on it. Jungkook passed Jimin a plastic plate and started piling foods upon it. The couple sat in silence eating all the food which had been prepared, the silence was soon broken by the ringing of Jungkook's phone.

"What do you want Yoongi? Jimin and I are on a date" Jungkook snapped when he answered his phone.

"Is it important?" Jungkook asked before letting out a sigh then added "Fine we will be there as soon as we can".

"What's wrong?" Jimin questioned.

"Apparently Yoongi has something important to tell all of us and it cannot wait any longer" Jungkook explained as he started packing up the picnic.

"What did you want to tell us Yoongi?" Jungkook asked when everyone had turned up at Yoongi's house. Namjoon was sat on one of the sofas with Jin in his lap, Hoseok and Lexi was beside whilst Raven was perched on the arm whilst Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung sat on the other sofa looking over at the bitten werewolf.

"You know that I have been recently distant from everyone recently and haven't really given you an explanation for this distance so after considering all my options, I have decided to tell you" Yoongi said.

"I didn't come here for you to continue to be cryptic about your life, if it is important say it if not I'm out of here" Lexi snapped getting up to emphasise her point.

"Okay, you can come in now" Yoongi said turning to face the door which led to the dinning room. The door opened and a tall girl with red hair, she had a fair complexion with freckles which littered her cheeks. She wore a light pink crop top and a short pink skirt.

"Everyone this is Clara, my girlfriend" Yoongi told them. 

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