Chapter 11

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Namjoon held Jin's hand in his as they walked through the forest looking for any clues which could help them discover where the supernatural army was being created. Lexi bent down looking down at the marks which had been created by some supernatural creature.

"Could this be from the supernatural creature which was killed about two months ago?" Taehyung asked.

"No, those marks would have faded or disappeared by now, these are fresh, they look like... no... it cannot be" Lexi said.

"Lexi, what is it?" Namjoon questioned.

"He has been training them, these marks there are over twenty, he has at least twenty supernatural creatures at his disposal and apparently he is in control of them" Lexi answered.

"We should call the others, we have no idea whether they are going to be in the forest still if these are still fresh, we are definitely not a match to fight a recently created probably brainwashed supernatural creatures, they are stronger when they have recently been turned" Jin said before reaching into his pocket to grab his phone.

"Only call Jungkook or Jimin, if I remember correctly they were planning on teaching Yoongi how to fight today and Hoseok and Raven were tagging along to watch" Taehyung said, Jin nodded before scrolling down to Jungkook's number.

Yoongi was thrown to the ground once more by Jimin, he could hear Hoseok shouting from the side-lines that he could do it but he couldn't these werewolves were more trained than him, they knew how to fight whilst he only knew the basics.

"You are keeping your body wide open making it easier for me to strike" Jimin said as he pulled Yoongi from the floor before adding "You need to learn to quickly analyse your opponent and learn their weaknesses so you will be able to strike first and get the upper hand on them".

"That is easier said than done" Yoongi muttered before getting ready to fight Jimin once more.

"3" Jungkook started the countdown.



"G... wait Jin is calling me" Jungkook said before answering his phone.

"Hello" Jungkook said once he had answered his phone. 

"Jungkook, hey, I hate to disturb your fighting training for Yoongi however, Lexi, Taehyung, Joonie and I are in the forest and we have discovered that the man has created at least twenty supernatural creatures and he has been teaching them how to fight, the issue is, they might still be here since the footprints they left behind are fresh, would you and the others be able to get here quickly" Jin explained.

"Yeah, we will be there as quickly as we can" Jungkook answered before hanging up then turning to face the others.

"Jin said that they have discovered that the supernatural army is currently at twenty supernatural creatures and they are being taught to fight so obviously he has gained control over them, we better go since there is a high chance that the supernatural army is still there and could attack the others" Jungkook informed the others before quickly grabbing their stuff and leaving the basement.

"Why is this supernatural army business even our problem" Yoongi complained before following after the others.

"Have you found anything else?" Raven asked as they ran over to Lexi.

"Yeah, we have found some more bodies but not as many as there have been before so the rejects are only the ones who reject the supernatural bite or injection itself" Lexi answered.

"Okay, where are they?" Jungkook asked.

"3, sorry, I mean over there" Lexi pointed before saying "but before you go over we kinda have another issue".

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"Taehyung lost control of his abilities when we were looking for any other clues which means he is currently naked over there" Lexi explained.

"My place is probably the closest, Raven, Jimin and I could go get some clothes for him whilst Jungkook and Hobi can stay here to protect you guys just in case that supernatural fighting army is still around" Yoongi suggested.

"Okay be quick and since you are going to yours, would you be able to grab that book Namjoon leant you" Lexi said.

"Sure" Jimin answered before the three turned around and started walking towards Yoongi's.

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