Chapter 19

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"We're here" Jungkook said as the two cars pulled up. The pack got out and started unpacking their stuff out of the back. All except for Yoongi who was asleep inside the car and Tae who was prancing around with his earphones in and shouting the word Ddaeng over and over.

Lexi went to the boot of one of the cars, wrapped up in a big fluffy black coat, she bent over and tried to pull the bag of tent poles out. "Here, let me help" Raven said coming behind her. Raven lifted the other heavy bag of supplies off the poles so Lexi could lift them out.

"Thanks" Lexi smiled to Raven.

"I'll go get some firewood, anyone wanna come with?" Jungkook asked, everyone else was busy setting up the tents and getting things ready.

"Take Yoongi with you" Namjoon said, going over to where the boy was still asleep in the car he used his pillow to hit him in the face.

"What the fuck!" Yoongi exclaimed opening his eyes but his brows relaxed at the sight of Namjoon.

"You're going to collect firewood with Kook" Namjoon spoke, "See you later" he said patting Yoongi's shoulder before walking off to the food supplies.

"Ugh" Yoongi groaned getting up and following Jungkook who was laughing, well more like cackling at something Lexi had said.

Later on Yoongi and Jungkook returned armed with a big pile of firewood and were happy to see that all the tents were set up. Namjoon had found some big logs to use as seats that he moved into a circle and there was a stop in the middle where they were waiting for the firewood.

Yoongi's face lit up and he could feel himself becoming more relaxed as he watched his friends laugh and goof around with each other. Lexi was tickling Namjoon and Jin was sprawled on the floor, bright pink from laughing at his boyfriend's unamused expression. Raven was talking with Hope and Tae and they were all laughing and smiling brightly while it appeared Jimin was organising their food supply and picking things out for what they would eat tonight.

Yoongi dumped his firewood onto of Jungkook's and went to sit down by Namjoon. Jungkook was crouched in the middle and had got a matchstick out ready to light the fire. Jimin had come over and placed the food by the logs so they were ready to cook when the fire was warm and he sat down next to Jin who had now sat down on a log. 

"Ahahhahahha! Is the remarkable Jeon Jungkook struggling to light a fire" Hobi laughed as Jungkook tried multiple times with the small flame.

"Here" Lexi put her hands round the side of the firewood to stop the wind's harsh blow from extinguishing Jungkook's flame. He was finally able to light the fire. He smiled to Lexi and she returned his gaze.

The pack then ate dinner, cooking various foods over the fire. Jin also got out his guitar while the food was cooking and played a couple of songs, one where Jimin sang with him. Raven also played a song on the guitar surprising some of the others and Tae danced to it showing his enthusiasm.

They cleaned up some of the things and decided to play some games.

"Let's play truth or dare" Hoseok shouted. 

"Yess" Taehyung said whilst the others nodded their heads. 

"What's truth or dare?" Raven asked. 

"Basically, you ask someone truth or dare and they have to choose, if they choose truth then you ask them a question and they have to answer it truthfully or if they choose dare, then you dare them to do whatever you want. I'll start and you can watch, join in when you understand" Jungkook answered. 

"Hoseok, truth or dare" Jungkook said. 

"Dare" Hoseok replied. 

"I dare you to stand up and do your best impersonation of the person on your right" Jungkook dared, Hoseok look to his right which was Jimin. Hobi smiled before standing it. 

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