Chapter 23

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"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked

"It's a Lunar eclipse" Raven said looking up at the moon.

"And....?" Yoongi asked again, what was the significance of a Lunar eclipse.

"It essentially turns us human for 15 minutes" Jimin explained, "All except Hoseok".

"What, so we can't fight?"

"No. We have to, just no powers" Jungkook replied

"This is why you needed training" Raven said, "Just remember everything you learned". Yoongi looked over to Raven with an unsure expression.

"Can't we just save the fighting til later, like just wait 15 minutes" Yoongi pleaded, not liking the idea of having to fight without his werewolf side.

"No. Hope and Joon have already started to make their way to their spot, we can't leave them waiting for 15 minutes" Jungkook spoke back.

"Plus, I think someone spotted us" Raven said, pointing to where there were people coming out of the base and heading towards them.

"Oh fuck" Yoongi exhaled

"Yoongi, you'll be fine" Jimin said, he started to walk with Jungkook towards the oncoming army of people.

Yoongi turned to Raven, "Raven, I'm not ready, I didn't really pay too much attention in those lessons..... or any lessons, I don't know what to-" Yoongi rambled

"Yoongi" Raven said clutching his arm, "There's no time to worry while you're fighting. Just hang back and deal with what you can, okay?"

"Okay" Yoongi breathed out, he didn't remember a time where he'd been this scared, apart from the night he was bitten. He pulled Raven into an embrace thanking her for her words. They pulled apart and Raven joined Jungkook and Jimin further up where the army was now. Jungkook came into contact with the first person, sending them flying over his back and into Raven's kick.

He watched as Jimin fought two guys at once, Yoongi felt so helpless looking at them with their taekwondo moves he felt like a wimp.

Gathering his courage he started to move forward, his palms were sweaty but he ignored it as he threw a strong punch at an oncoming man and the man collapsed to the floor. He looked over to see Raven smiling at him from where she was fighting.

Jungkook watched the remaining people come out from the base, he speculated whole army was out so he let out a loud whistle while kicking a woman in the face.

"Right" Hope nudged Namjoon, "That's our signal". 

Namjoon and Hoseok darted towards the laboratory before slipping through an open door. Inside was a maze, different corridors which lead anyway inside the laboratory. 

"Where would they be?" Namjoon asked,  a little worried that they will never find Jin and the others in time. 

"Probably underground, they are not important so they would not want to increase the risk of them escaping having to open the cell they are in multiple times" Hoseok said before opening the doors on the corridor looking for a set of stairs which would lead them down to below ground where the others were being kept prisoner.

Yoongi was tiring. The fight was tiring. Mentally he was counting down the seconds until the lunar eclipse would be over and he would be able to fight to balance the fight. He and the others had lost their abilities but the man-made supernatural army had not. 

Locating the stairs took longer than either Hoseok or Namjoon had liked, they had no idea what might have happened to Jin, Lexi and Taehyung during their time here and they doubt that the others would be able to continue fighting without the assistance of those who still had their powers. It was hard to tell whether the man-made supernatural creatures would be affected by the lunar eclipse like the other. 

"I think I hear Jin" Namjoon said staining his ears to listen in on the conversation, once he identified the at voice definitely belong to his boyfriend, Namjoon darted down the corridor towards the voice with Hoseok following. He was relieved, he had found Jin, he would be reunited with his boyfriend and he was not going to let Jin out of his sight for a very long time. 

"Lexi, I don't like what I am feeling" Jin said looking over at his fellow banshee and hellhound.

"Neither do I" Taehyung replied.

"What are you weirdos feeling?" Clara asked a little concerned for her safety.

"I feel like I am standing in a graveyard" Jin said before he started panicking "no, oh my god please tell me that Namjoonie is going to be okay, he is only a druid meaning he cannot be protected from a supernatural army what if... what if he dies... Joonie can't die... I could not cope if he dies".

"Jin take a deep breath... Namjoon is not going to die, I promise, none of your friends are going to die" Lexi said trying to reassure him.

"But how can you know that, Lexi, I can't lose Joonie, it would kill me" Jin said but before Lexi could reply a familiar voice shouted through the door.

"Jinnie, is that you" Namjoon said causing Jin to turn around.

"Joonie" Jin shouted as Hoseok used his strength to break the door down and the pair ran inside the cell. Jin ran over to his boyfriend before jumping into his arms and wrapping his legs around Namjoon's waist.

"Joonie, oh my god, Joonie you are safe, I missed you so much" Jin said hugging his boyfriend tightly before pressing their lips together in a needy and sloppy kiss. Taehyung walked over to Hoseok and hugged the older boy as well whilst Clara quickly stood up and darted out of the cell without a second thought.

"We better get you out of here, there is currently a lunar eclipse meaning all the werewolves are powerless for at least another five minutes, they will need all the help they can get" Hoseok explained to Taehyung, Jin and Lexi. Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jin's waist and guided his boyfriend out of the cell with Hoseok and Taehyung following after but none of the four boys noticed as they got further away that Lexi was not following them.

Lexi sighed before closing her eyes before saying.

"But one will".

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