Chapter 13

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Yoongi scanned the tables outside for any of his friends, he quickly spotted Raven and headed over there. A question on his mind. He sat down, smiling at her. They conversed about the lessons they'd had so far. But it was bugging him, he needed to ask her.

Yoongi cleared his throat before speaking, "Raven... I meant to ask, did you have anything to do with the party at mine?".

Raven looked up abruptly from her math homework taken back by his words "Not at all. I was with you the whole evening remember" she replied, feeling a little hurt from his sudden accusation. 

"Oh. Okay" Yoongi paused, "It's just Clara told me you were the one who started it because you knew I had a free house" he stated firmly. Raven did know that his house was empty 95% of the time.

At the mention of her name, Raven repressed the urge to tell Yoongi that Clara was the one who started the party just to cause trouble amongst them, but she just could not tell him the truth about her, knowing it would break his heart. "And you believe her?" Raven asked hesitantly, not sure how she was supposed to respond.

"Of course. I trust her" Yoongi spoke his words quickly.


'I trust her'

If he believes what she said then he thinks it was me who started the party. He doesn't trust me. Raven bit her lip as they formed into a frown, snapping herself out of her thoughts. "And you think I'm the one who started the party. The same girl who's never been to a party like that, and whose only friends are you guys" Raven replied in a slightly bitter tone.

Yoongi sighed, he was confused. Confused why Clara would tell him that it was Raven if it was not. He closed his eyes thinking about the truth of what Raven had said, she really didn't have many friends, but I guess getting the word out of a party wasn't impossible. "... I don't know who started the party... okay... I - I.. just-".

"You just thought you'd ask because you believe what Clara said. It's okay Yoongi, you trust her and you don't trust me. I get how it works now" Raven cut him off sharply not letting him get a word in. It was clear to her now. She was not wanted.

Raven stood from the table grabbing her books and bag. "Raven..." Yoongi called out. She continued to walk away as Yoongi stayed sat at the table, hanging his head in tiredness. He figured he'd just talk to her tomorrow about it and clear things up.

~The next day~

Yoongi had been sat at their lunch table for 20 minutes now waiting for Raven, she was the only one not present. He was becoming irritable and zoned out of Hoseok and Jimin's conversation about the newest Marvel film. "Where the fuck is Raven?" Yoongi sighed.

"I have no idea" Taehyung answered him "Maybe she got detention? or something, she's normally here" he chewed his lip, looking at Yoongi, "Why do you need to find her?".

"It doesn't matter. It's not that important" Yoongi spoke.

"What's not important?" a voice sounded behind them.

Clara slung her arms around Yoongi's neck as she sat beside him, pecking his cheek.

"Nothing" He answered her back, smiling and pecking her lips in return.

"Babe" She addressed Yoongi, "I just need to go find the girls to tell them some stuff, then I'll be back, okay?"

"Sure" Yoongi hummed, Clara's lips stretched into a smile as she stood up, kissing Yoongi again as she left.

Raven was sat in one of the cubicles in the toilets, eating the food she'd brought from the vending machine, she knew she could not avoid Clara forever, and she did not want to avoid Yoongi but after his accusation yesterday she could not face him today. She did not even dare to go into the canteen to get lunch, afraid they'd see her there so she chose the vending machine.

She felt like a coward, enclosed by the small walls around her, she was trapped. She did not want to lie to her friends, but when they would ask her where she was at lunch she knew she was going to answer by telling them the library.

Raven exited the stall after finishing her food, contemplating whether she should stay in the bathroom for the rest of lunch or head somewhere else. She grabbed her bag, planning to go to the library to do some work when she heard the creaking of the bathroom door, looking over her eyes widened at the sight of Clara and her friends coming into the bathroom.

It's okay. She breathed to herself. Just walk past them. Putting her bag strap on her shoulder, Raven slowly headed for the door, her head hung low, not wanting to see the faces of those girls.

"Where do you think you're going?" Clara spat.

Raven was silent, keeping her head down. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Stay strong.

"Hey! Slut! Fucking look at me while I'm talking to you!" Clara raged, as Raven kept her head down, she couldn't look at her.


"I SAID FUCKING LOOK AT ME" Clara shouted in Raven's face, clearly having enough of Raven's attitude to her, she swung her fist at Raven's face. Catching Raven off-guard, she stumbled, losing her balance as Clara kicked her stomach making her fall to the floor.

"If you're gonna act like a bitch you can stay on the floor like one" Clara shouted, punching and kicking Raven more and more, her two friends started to join in and soon enough Raven was bleeding.

Raven bit her lip. A few tears flowing from her eyes as she could barely see while the three girls continued to pummel her. She tried to block out Clara's words but she could still hear them clearly "I don't know what your problem is you cow, but you're going to stay away from my boyfriend". And the hits continued.

Raven didn't even hear the bathroom door open. But she recognised Lexi's voice shouting above them all "GET AWAY FROM HER!".

Lexi speed-walked to the sight in front of her. That fucking bitchface. She forcefully grabbed Clara's shoulder, pulling her back from them. She quickly got out her phone "Leave or I'll take a picture and send this to Yoongi" She threatened, gritting through her teeth angrily.

The three girls left immediately, throwing comments at Lexi but she ignored them. Bending down to Raven who was still lying on the floor, legs clutched to her chest, panic shot through Lexi's system at the wounds but she soon calmed down when she saw that Raven was healing.

Slowly Lexi helped Raven sit up against the bathroom wall, Raven hadn't said a word yet. Tears welled in her eyes and she lowered her head into her legs.

"Why didn't you fight back?" Lexi asked, "We both know you're capable".

"It's not the right thing to do. It's unnecessary violence" Raven spoke. Lexi sighed, a small part of her knew Raven was right, but she still wanted to beat the shit out of that bitchface.

Raven wiped her tears away before saying "Thanks, Lexi, for getting rid of them".

"I think you should tell Yoongi" Lexi said.

"No" Raven replied immediately.

"Just hear me out" Lexi looked to Raven, "It's gone too far, she's bullied you for too long and it needs to stop. She's horrible, toxic and Yoongi should know the truth even if he doesn't want to hear it".

"I can't" Raven persisted.

"If he knew, he wouldn't be with her, this wouldn't happen because we'd all be there to protect you. I just think it's the right thing to do" Lexi stated, she wouldn't tell Yoongi without Raven's consent, she was the one suffering the most from this after all.

"I'm sorry Lexi" Raven said "I can't. He really loves her, it would break his heart and I can't do that" she slowly got up, retrieving her bag and washing her face to get rid of the tear stains.

"Okay, it's your decision. I'm aware of that, but I'm still gonna tell him she's a bitch, there's plenty else she's done" Lexi spoke.

"Thank you for keeping this secret. I'm not brave enough to break his heart" Raven stated and walked out the bathroom, disappearing from Lexi's view.

A figure stood in the corner eyes trained on the date, it was soon approaching. "2" the figure muttered before disappearing out of sight.  

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