Chapter 15

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"You have a lot of books about the supernatural" Namjoon stated when he and Lexi walked into her bedroom, the walls were littered with posters and shelves which had many different types of books on them. Her bed was in the centre of her room with two bedside tables either side and a desk was on the other side of the room. Namjoon's eyes widened at the sight of an old Japanese samurai sword displayed on a shelf above Lexi's bed.

"Yes, to ensure the safety and to prevent my family from discovering the supernatural world I need to make sure I know everything about it" Lexi answered grabbing a couple of books from the shelves and they started to look over them.

"There is nothing about how supernatural creatures could be made without it being the typical process of them being born like that or turned" Namjoon groaned throwing himself backwards onto Lexi's bed.

"Well there is a process that can turn a human into a supernatural creature through man-made efforts but for what I can see this cannot be the case" Lexi said.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked.

"They are called Chimera, it is a creature made up of incongruous parts. Half werewolf and half kanima or any supernatural creature you can think of, they can only be Chimera through the process of implanted bodily organs from supernatural creatures to turn humans into Chimeras" Lexi explained.

"Well since we never saw any recent surgeries on the dead bodies I am guessing we can rule that out" Namjoon said.

"Yep, anyway I'm curious what are you going to give Jin for your anniversary after all it is not long until you two would have been going out for six months now?" Lexi asked.

"I am not sure at the moment, I want it to be special yet I am not sure what" Namjoon answered.

"What about a handmade ring for him?" Lexi questioned.

"How would I be able to make something like that without the right tools?" Namjoon replied looking over at Lexi.

"I have the stuff, which is why I suggested it" Lexi answered before standing up and walking over to her desk.

"Why do you have the machinery to create a ring wait hold up how do you have diamonds as well?" Namjoon questioned as he looked over the stuff scattered on Lexi's desk.

"I have a lot of stuff that I probably shouldn't have, don't question it, I try not to" Lexi answered before telling Namjoon what to do.

"So, are you going to the prom later today?" Namjoon asked whilst creating the band for the ring.

"Well I'm being forced to anyway" Lexi replied.

"What do you mean, you are being forced to?" Namjoon questioned.

"My parents do not believe that I socialise with anyone so they are determined for me to go to prom to socialise and get out the house and do something, not that I need anything else on my plate, anyway, you better leave so you can get ready for prom, I will finish it off and give it to you later" Lexi said halting Namjoon's progress. Namjoon looked over at the time and realised it was nearly six o-clock and the prom started at seven.

"Yeah you are right, I'll see you later" Lexi nodded watching Namjoon grab his stuff before leaving.

Namjoon returned home and quickly ran into his room to retrieve the suit he was wearing for tonight and quickly got changed, his eyes caught the time and he realised he had only a few minutes until he was meant to pick Jin up. Namjoon darted downstairs putting his shoes on and grabbing the keys to his father's car which he was letting him borrow for the night.

"I'll see you later" Namjoon shouted to his parents who replied with hope he had a great time before Namjoon walked out the house and climbed into the driver's seat.

Joonie: I'm on my way xx

Jinnie: Okay, I will see you soon xx

Namjoon dumped his phone onto the passenger seat and quickly started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. It only took a few minutes to arrive at Jin's since there was no traffic, Namjoon grabbed the roses which he had picked up on his way home from Lexi's before walking up to the house and knocking on the door.

Jin opened the door not long after. He was wearing a white suit.

"You look amazing Jinnie, these are for you" Namjoon said before handing the roses over.

"Joonie, these are beautiful, I will quickly put them in some water" Jin said taking the roses from Namjoon and disappeared back inside the house.

"Ready to go?" Namjoon asked when Jin reappeared.

"Yep" Jin said before locking the front door and wrapping his arm around Namjoon's.

"My love" Namjoon said when he opened the passenger side door for Jin. 

"Why thank you, you are such a gentleman" Jin replied before climbing in and buckling himself up before Namjoon climbed in the driver's seat and started the car once more.

"How are the others getting there?" Jin asked looking over at his boyfriend.

"Yoongi is bringing Clara obviously, Jimin and Jungkook are going together whilst I think the others are just going by themselves" Namjoon answered.

The others were already there minus Yoongi and Clara when Jin and Namjoon arrived. Namjoon parked the car before dashing over to the other side and opened Jin's door for him. Jin laughed as he climbed out before wrapping his arm around Namjoon and headed over to the others.

"Hey" Jin said when they reached the others.

"Hi Jin, Namjoon" Jungkook replied.

"Where is Yoongi?" Namjoon asked looking around for his best friend.

"He nor Clara has turned up yet, we still haven't figured out whether that a good thing or bad" Taehyung answered.

"Right" Namjoon replied before taking his phone from his pocket and quickly messaged Yoongi to see whether he was on his way. He didn't receive an answer.

"Oh my god" Lexi said her eyes were wide when she saw the monstrosity Yoongi was wearing.

"... Hi guys" Yoongi reluctantly said which drew everyone's attention to him and Clara.

"Wow... um Yoongi you look go-good" Namjoon said his eyes were drawn to what he was wearing.

"I know he does, I wanted to wear matching coloured outfits, doesn't he look gorgeous" Clara said wrapping his arms around her boyfriend. Yoongi stood there awkwardly wearing a barbie pink suit which matched with Clara's barbie pink dress.

"Well that's one way of putting it" Raven muttered.

"Why don't we go inside" Yoongi said before muttering underneath his breath "Before I die of humiliation".

"Sure" the others agreed before heading inside, Lexi walked up behind Yoongi and whispered into his ear.

"How's the self-esteem?".

"Currently non-existent" Yoongi replied.

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