Chapter 2

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"Yoongi, now you've got your werewolf powers under control you can move onto the next stage" Jungkook said as he was walking to Yoongi's car with Jimin and Raven.

"What next stage?" Yoongi deadpanned

"Well if there's a Lunar Moon then we become powerless so you need to know how to fight if you get into trouble with some unwanted people" Jungkook explained

"Right...." Yoongi answered opening the car door.

"We have a gym in our basement, you should come today and we can begin the first lesson" Jimin said excitedly.

"I'm good thanks"


"It is important Yoongi, I think in this town we'll run into the wrong sorts of people so you need to know at the least how to defend yourself" Kookie finished, he knew it would be hard convincing Yoongi to come as he wasn't exactly the 'fitness' type but he still held out some hope.

Yoongi glanced to Jungkook, thinking about what he had said. Was he actually considering this, what was wrong with him. "I dunno...."

"What if we make a bet?" Jimin said

"What kind of bet...?"

"Well.... uh...." Jimin murmured struggling to think of something

"I bet I could kick your ass" Raven spoke directly to Yoongi

Jungkook's face broke into a smile and he snickered.

"Okay fine. If I win then I never have to do anymore lessons after this one today" Yoongi clarified, he brushed his hand through his hair, am I really agreeing to this he questioned.

"And if Raven wins...?" Jimin asked

"Then Yoongi has to come to as many lessons as we want him to" Jungkook spoke "And buy all of us pizza"

"Hey! I buy you guys pizza anyway!" Yoongi interjected

"Deal?" Raven asked.

"Uh, fine... deal" Yoongi replied before walking toward his first lesson.

~Later that day~

"Wow... your basement is massive" Raven commented as they entered the large training space. It had a big circular mat in the middle, with various other equipment around the outside of the room. It screamed exercise. Yoongi felt sick.

"Right" Jungkook announced, "We can start by teaching you a few basic moves"

"Like what?" Yoongi asked, afraid of the answer.

"Just like how to punch correctly, stand, kick, the real basics that just make fighting easier" Jimin listed.

After teaching Yoongi these moves, Jungkook decided it was time for the bet to take place.

Jimin came up to Yoongi as they were getting ready, "Good luck, and try not to be intimidated"

"Okay" Jungkook said, Yoongi and Raven stood across from each other, "Begin"

Yoongi looked at Raven, he gulped wondering whether he should be the first to make a move forward but immediately retracted that idea when Raven came towards him swinging her fist towards his face he panicked and moved his head down rather than to the left. He was also profusely sweating at the idea that he needed to hold back his wolf powers. 

Yoongi swung a couple of punches which followed with Raven kicking her leg into the air and Yoongi watched as her long hair moved softly. Focus. For god's sake Yoongi, you're in a fucking fight. 

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