Chapter 22

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Namjoon looked defeated. The longer he went without being with Jin, without knowing that Jin was safe, the more powerless he felt. The others were trying their best to locate their friends but it didn't prevent Namjoon from feeling that he failed to protect his friend, he had failed to protect his boyfriend from being taken. 

"I brought a map with me of this area, I was thinking if we wanted to go exploring we could use the map" Jimin said before he quickly ran into his tent he shared with Jungkook and grabbed the map from his bag. 

"So if they have been taken because they can find the building the army resides in that means there has to be a building near here, we can check the map then see what building is more likely 

"If there is any buildings, we chose this area because we were away from civilisation, I doubt there will be any base or building nearby us, we lost them, I have lost Jin" Namjoon said, Yoongi walked over to his best friend and tried to comfort him, Yoongi had never seen Namjoon so broken before. 

"Actually you are wrong, look at this, it seems to be an old air-range bunker which has been converted into a laboratory" Jimin said as he approached the group with the map unfolded, he then added "There is no other building in our vicinity so that must be where they are being kept". 

"Let's go" Namjoon said instantly standing up and started walking in the direction of the laboratory after getting a glance at Jimin's map. 

"Woah, wait a minute, you cannot go wandering off, we need to plan, if there is a supernatural army then they are going to be ready for us to come after the others, the second they see you, you will be dead. So, what the hell will that do for Jin, huh, killing yourself before you can save him" Jungkook said grabbing a hold of Namjoon to prevent him from leaving. 

"So, what the plan Jungkook" Namjoon snapped pushing the young alpha away before turning to face him with a glare on his face. 

"We will split into two groups, Jimin, Yoongi, Raven and I will attack and taken down the army whilst you and Hoseok will locate Jin, Taehyung and Lexi, once you have gotten them out of there, Namjoon will get Jin and Lexi to safety whilst Hoseok and Taehyung will join the fight and we take down this supernatural army and their creator once and for all. You will all protect yourself, I am not having a death on my hands" Jungkook explained. 

"When are we leaving?" Hoseok asked. 

"Soon, everyone change into clothes into something which is comfortable and easy to move in once that is sorted we train for an hour then we will approach this building and save our friends" Jungkook answered. The others nodded before hurrying to their tents to get changed. 

The war had finally begun.

The pack stood outside the old converted air raid shelter now abandoned laboratory building, the building was two stories high but there was obvious evidence which shows that the building went underground too, the window was broken and ivy was growing up the side.

"This is it? Is everyone ready and remembers the plan" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, lets get Jin and the others back" Namjoon replied but before anyone could do anything something caught their attention.

"Shit, it can't be, not tonight" Jungkook swore.

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