Chapter 16

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The hall had been transformed for the prom, near the back were decorated tables and chairs with a buffet behind. The lights which were used during plays were on, the light were changing colours every few minutes above the dance floor where the DJ was.

"May I have this dance" Namjoon said turning to face his boyfriend.

"Well Mr Kim it would be an honour" Jin replied putting his hand in Namjoon's before being led to the dance floor, Jin wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck as the couple sway in time with the music.

"Kookie, I want to dance as well" Jimin said before pulling his boyfriend to the dance floor.

"So, Lexi are you planning on dancing?" Taehyung asked.

"No, I plan to live through this night" Lexi bluntly replied before wandering off.

"I'll dance with you Taehyungie" Hoseok said a little nervous to what Taehyung's reaction would be, Taehyung's face light up as he grabbed Hoseok's arm and pulled him to the dance floor.

"Do you want to dance?" Yoongi asked his girlfriend.

"In a bit sweetie, I have something to do first" Clara replied before walking off.

Raven wandered over to the buffet table, she was not up for dancing or socialising. The only reason she was here was due to Jimin and Hoseok convincing her to come along. The last thing she wanted to do was to watch as someone she cared about was being manipulated by her bully. Raven did not notice as Clara, Eunjin and Sophia walked over to her until Clara grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the table.

"What are you doing here freak? Did you not get the memo Yoongi doesn't want you near him and neither do I so why don't you crawl back to whatever dump you originally came from or I'll ensure that you lose all those pathetic friends you somehow have made" Clara threatened.

"They won't listen to you" Raven muttered.

"What was that! You dare talk back to me!" Clara shouted before tearing Raven's dress.

"Oops my hand slipped, let me help you with that" Clara said before grabbing the hot water which was on the buffet table and poured the scolding water down Raven. Sophia and Eunjin laughed at Raven's reaction neither girl cared that the water was burning the werewolf.

"Oh look at her girls so pitiful, here have some money maybe you can buy yourself some trashy friends just like you" Clara said laughing along with Eunjin and Sophia. Raven could feel tears rolling down her cheeks before looking down at the floor in humiliation, she did not want to see anyone look over at her and to pity her. 

Jimin's eyes widened as he watched Raven being bullied by Clara and her friends, he looked over at Yoongi and the others who had his back to Raven which told Jimin that Yoongi had no idea that Raven was being bullied or who she was being bullied by.

Clara's eyes widened when she noticed that Jimin, one of Yoongi's friends had witnessed what she had done.

"Eunjin quickly grab Jimin, he cannot try to ruin my relationship with Yoongi just because of this bitch" Clara ordered. Raven lifted her head and watched as Eunjin and Sophia grabbed Jimin and pulled him out of the hall.

"I cannot risk you telling Yoongi about this, so..." Clara said before whispering something into Sophia's ear. Jimin gulped as Sophia walked over to him pushing him roughly against the wall before pressing her lips against his then forcefully pushed her hand down his pants. He heard the sound of a camera going off before Sophia pushed herself away and walked back over to Clara.

"I have a photo now so if you dare try to tell Yoongi about this I will show Jungkook this photo and ruin your relationship with him" Clara threatened before walking back into the hall with her friends following her.

Clara's eyes instantly landed on Yoongi who was looking over at her before giving her his trademark gummy smile. Clara went to go over to him when she felt a fist come into contact with her nose. Clara staggered backwards before falling to the floor her hand clutching her nose which was bleeding.

"You bastard" Sophia screamed at Lexi who was standing in front of them, her fist covered in Clara's blood. 

"She deserved it" Lexi spat out before spitting at the three girls.

"Lexi calm down" Taehyung said wrapping his arms around the banshee's waist and pulling her away from Clara before she could attack her again.

"Lexi what the hell was that for, I know you might not be happy about my relationship with Clara but that doesn't mean you can attack her" Yoongi said defending his girlfriend.

"How fucking thick are you! Oh, I'm Min Yoongi, I only believe what my fucking bitchface of a girlfriend says without knowing all the facts, I don't know that she like b... bu... fuck not now" Lexi shouted as she was pulled into a vision.

Yoongi stared at his friend in horror, he has never seen Lexi so pissed off with anyone before. His eyes trailed over to Jin who was in Namjoon's arm, he too, looked like he was experiencing the same vision.

Namjoon put his hand in his pocket, to grab his phone so Jin would be able to instantly write down all the information that he got from the vision when he felt his hand brush against something cold. Namjoon pulled out the object, his eyes widened when he saw it was the telepathic locket which had disappeared ages ago. An idea came into Namjoon's head as he put the locket on and his vision went black.

He could hear noises but he was not able to see anything.

"One will die.... We are standing in a graveyard... no not tonight.... Find them.... Please you will live.... You cannot die... it was destined" the broken voices said. Namjoon could hardly recognise any of them.

"One Month Remaining Until the Balance Is Restored" a familiar voice said but Namjoon was unable to put his finger on who it belonged to.

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