Chapter 21

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Jin let out a groan as he opened his eyes and turned to look around his surroundings, he was currently been held in a cold metal cell with no windows and very little light entering the room. Confusion flashed through Jin's mind as he tried to recall why he was here and not with Namjoon and the others. Suddenly his memories of the attack flashed up in his mind and Jin turned to look around the cell for Taehyung and Lexi.

Taehyung and Lexi were still unconscious beside him, Jin checked over himself to see whether he was hurt anywhere when he saw that he was fine he checked over the other two. Taehyung started to groan before opening his eyes and sitting up before looking over at Jin whilst Lexi too started to wake up.

"Where are we?" Taehyung asked as Lexi sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Well just by looking at our surroundings I would guess, we are in some type of cell underground being held hostage by the creator of the supernatural army he was the last person I saw before I fell unconscious then woke up here" Jin explained.

"Damn, I never thought that getting some fire wood would lead to us being kidnapped" Taehyung said.

"Yeah, wait Lexi..." Jin started talking after he saw the guilty look which was present on Lexi's face but he was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

"Well aren't you a great rescue team" a familiar voice said from the other side of the cell, Jin, Taehyung and Lexi's head snapped over to look at the voice – it was Clara.

"Oh, great you are still alive" Taehyung complained.

"Likewise, but anyway if you are here that means Yoongi cannot be far behind, my boyfriend will rescue me not you" Clara snapped.

"What boyfriend? Last time I checked Yoongi was calling you his ex-girlfriend" Lexi answered.

"What do you mean?" Clara said panic filled her voice.

"He knows what you did to Raven and he does not want to date a person like you anymore" Lexi answered.

"That bastard I will ruin his relationship with Jungkook" Clara swore under her breath.

"That's not going to happen, Yoongi and Jungkook know about that too so the last thing they are going to do is listen to anything which comes out your mouth" Lexi replied. Clara continued to argue with Lexi but they started to ignore her. 

"Lexi the kiss earlier, you told me to kiss Namjoon like I meant it... did you know that we were going to be kidnapped?" Jin questioned.

"I had a suspicion that we were near there base because of the amount of energy released when someone dies was present in the air, I had a feeling that we would be taken for being able to feel said energy so I knew you would regret not being able to show Namjoon how much you loved him if I hadn't told you to kiss him like you mean it" Lexi answered looking down at her feet. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Lexi when he noticed that once again she was distancing herself from them.

"Do not worry Lexi, the others will find us and we will all get through this, I promise" Taehyung said trying to reassure the younger girl, Lexi looked up at Taehyung and gave him a weak smile.

"Don't worry I accept it" Lexi whispered underneath her breath.

"Accept what?" Jin questioned looking over at his fellow banshee confused.

"I mean I accept that we are going to need help from those other idiots" Lexi weakly joked before resting her head on Taehyung's shoulder and closing her eyes to pretend that she was going to sleep to stop all the questions which was being directed at her.

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