Chapter 14

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Clara walked over to her boyfriend who was currently standing in front of his locker with his friends surrounding him.

"Yoongi" Clara said pushing her way through and hugging Yoongi tightly.

"Clara, hey" Yoongi greeted hugging his girlfriend back.

"Yo bitchface" Lexi said leaning on Taehyung in an attempt to see what the other girl's reaction would be.

"Lexi knock it off" Yoongi laughed at Lexi's weirdness which infuriated Clara, he was meant to defend her from his friends being cruel to her, not laugh it off like it was nothing.

"Yoongi you promised me that you would hang out with my friends and I today so come on we do not want to keep them waiting" Clara said grabbing Yoongi's arm and pulling him away from the others.

"Clara I never promised that" Yoongi said looking at his girlfriend quite shocked by her actions she had never done anything like this before.

"I know but you never get to know my friends Yoongi and I really want you too, I sort of know your friends so it is about time you hang out with us so you can get to know all of my wonderful friends, please Yoongi, please" Clara begged.

"Okay, I will hang out with you and your friends today" Yoongi caved after long internal debating.

"Thank you Yoongi, I love you so much for this" Clara said quickly pecking Yoongi's cheek then pulling him to where her friends were.

"Sophia, Eunjin this is my amazing boyfriend Yoongi, Yoongi these are Sophia and Eunjin my besties" Clara introduced them.

"It is nice to finally meet you Yoongi, Clara has told us so much about you" Sophia said.

Yoongi true to his word had spent most of the day with Clara and her friends however slowly he was getting bored as they were talking about topics which did not interest him and when he attempts to talk about something he was interested in they quickly changed the subject. Yoongi slowly felt himself falling asleep when he heard a high-pitch scream which made him jump, he instantly recognised the scream to belong to Jin. 

Jumping up from his seat completely ignoring Clara shouting for him to come back. Yoongi found Jin with Lexi and Namjoon outside the front of the university. In front of them was another body.

"What the hell! Why the hell is there a body here, aren't they normally dumped in the forest" Yoongi said when he approached them.

"He must be getting confident or it's a warning maybe the next person to be kidnapped is going to be someone from the uni" Lexi said, her eyes never left the body in front of her.

"Yoongi why did you run off? You promised that you would spend the whole day with my friends and I" Clara complained as she ran over to where Yoongi and his friends were.

"Hey Clara" Lexi said pulling the body from the ground and quickly threw it at her. Clara screamed and quickly pushed the body off her before shooting a glare at Lexi then turned to face Yoongi, she was waiting for him to stand up for her but once again he didn't. Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jin's waist pulling his boyfriend close.

"Jin, Lexi and I are going to inform the principal about the body, if this is a warning then they are going to have to warn every student to be careful before the day finishes" Namjoon said before walking off.

"Yeah, I will come with you" Yoongi shouted after them.

"Yoongi, you cannot go with them, you are my boyfriend you are meant to stay with me when I want you here, your friends can cope on their own with whatever pathetic problem they have, you are my boyfriend stay with me Yoongi you must stay with me" Clara shouted grabbing Yoongi's arm to prevent him from going after the others.

"Clara, they are my friends, I have spent the whole day with you and now my friends need me I have to go, I cannot leave them when they need me" Yoongi said pulling his arm from her grasp and running after his friends.

"I will make them pay for trying to come between Yoongi and I" Clara muttered as she watched her boyfriend run off.

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