Chapter 1. The Fall

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  "There always seems to be a story about a hero who sacrifices their life for the greater good, to let the good guys win, the bad guys lose, and everyone lives happily ever after. But the hero, never gets to see that ending, they never know if their sacrifice meant something, they just need to have faith." it was a fall morning with leaves starting to fall and winter coming around the corner. Some mornings are usually full of attacks from the creatures of grimm or the white fang, but this morning was actually pretty peaceful. Vale was always a good peaceful place to live. Until the attack that destroyed beacon academy and split up team RWBY. just another day in the office is what i would've said but the attackers won and now the rest of the four kingdoms lie in the hands of the silver eye girl. Ruby rose, daughter of summer rose, the possibly new spring maiden. The death of summer is unknown but i have an idea that it was murder. From a very single monster. Not grimm but someone else, someone that i used to know. A Lot of terrible things happen to beacon, but ruby rose, there is something special about that girl, the youngest in the academy. Weiss schnee, the heiress to the schnee dust company, the richest company in all of ramenent. Blake belladonna, a rouge funhaus that was apart of the white fang. And then there is yang xiao long, the hot headed girl in all of beacon, well there is this one... never mind, i'm getting ahead of myself, i have seen all of RWBY fight in battle together, but the one who has impressed me the most and has reminded me of my skill, was ruby. Beacon was abandoned now, the grimm have taken over and rarely anyone is here. Sometimes i could see glynda goodwitch trying to rebuild but failing most of the time. As i was investigating a dead grimm i heard something around me. I got my sword out and got into battle stance, if i know one thing for sure it was that beacon academy was worth it. With all the training and long gone friends and a long dead team with many regrets, after a while i sheathed my weapon and looked at my right hand. There was nothing there except for metal, a grimm bit it off when i was still at beacon, the thing was a pain, i took some getting used to but i got it all under control now, thing is ten times better than a normal hand, i can block any attacks with it and not get hurt. I heard running from behind, they had weapon, it was like a spear so i put my robotic hand so they'll stab it and i won't get hurt. I was very surprised to see a small girl with pink and brown hair attacking me. I immediately pushed her off of me and got my weapon out and got ready, " who are you?" i said to the girl. She said absolutely nothing to me then attacked, i quickly blocked myself with my sword then countered with a weak but quick attack that made her back up then i started playing tricks with her, started  to teleport here and there and kept attacking, but it seemed like the girl won't get down, she did then trick me by making a fake of herself and stabbed me in the back of the leg. As i grunted she was walking towards me, she and i both knew that would not make it. Then as when she was going to kill me, it has seemed that a miracle has came my way, Blake belladonna has saved my life from a girl going to kill me, that does sound crazy but i'll take crazy over dead any day. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" asked Blake in a unsurprising manner." heh, looking for you Blake." i said with a calm but angry manner. As i said that she looked surprised when i said her name " sun?" she asked. I shook my head in a no manner. " Blackjack." i said as i got back up with the blood dripping down from my leg. Me and Blake just stood there and fought off the girl. She later then backed up into a street corner and played defense. The ground shook a little, at first i was confused about what was going on but then the ground opened with a king taijitu erupting from the ground with the girl flying into the air from the launch. then we heard will probably give me nightmares about it for years and years to come. There was a big horde of Grimm hunting for prey to feast on and unfortunately, me and Blake were that prey.  

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