Chapter 5. Family

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We stood on opposite sides with our weapons out waiting for one another to strike. I felt like this was going to be my last but that fight was when i didn't know about my semblance, she is in for quite a show "the winner gets bragging rights, deal?" i said with confidence. "You were always a joker. deal ." she said with mixed emotions. We ran at each other so we could strike with attacks but this wasn't a battle about strength, it was a battle of strategy. I used blake's semblance to attack her from behind and possibly get the upper hand on her so i can win this fight. I disappeared in the air and appeared behind her swinging my blade towards her back but then, she blocked it without moving her body, just her head was angled to the side to look at me. I then backed off quickly before she can strike. "How did you know?" i asked. "It's a basic thing people will always find a way to kill you, and it's usually from behind, besides, i watch everyone that poses a threat to me." answered raven. I then raged a little inside, how can she think i'm a threat to her, i didn't think she was bad until my little theory. I then ran at her giving her all i've trained for, fighting anyone who gets in my way, using my semblance hiding with attacks, but she was always one step ahead of me. But we made a promise, that we'll never give up on a fight till we drop, we then collided swords with a clank. "By the way, weren't you the cause of beacons fall. You know, with cinder?" asked raven. "You know i told qrow about them, you know i wanted to save beacon, but i failed." i said as i pushed her away from me. "You are not the only failure here, ozpin has failed us, best hunter school in remnant, heh, what a white lie." said raven as she blocked my blade with hers. We fought like we were hungry grimm fighting over food, we were at our peak limit but i never knew how far she can go. We then used our sword's power to take each other out but it just threw us and took away our auras. I got thrown towards summers grave where i saw raven stand over me, standing by to kill, she raised her sword and pushed it down but, i was fast enough to put my hand in front of it and throw it to the side so i wouldn't get hurt. She put her foot on my hand so i wouldn't move again. She took it out and was about to kill me before took my gun out shot her near the head so she can get off of me. I took the sword out and threw it towards her than i used ruby's semblance to knock her down when she was about to get up. When i did that her helmet fell off, revealing her face, she was angry at me, but she always looked angry now a days. I stood over, sword in hand about to kill her when i saw grimm come out through the forest. We then looked at each other, we both had a common enemy to get rid of. "How 'bout we call it a tie?" i said. "Yeah, for now." said raven.

We sat down back to back messing with gear that we have, we held off a whole raiding party of grimm, there were bodies everywhere, from ursas to beowolfs, we were happy to survive. "Guess we have our own, bragging rights." i said. "Yeah, the situation was looking a bit... grimm." said raven ending with a pun. We then just looked at each other and laughed. "Daughter like mother." i tried saying through the laughs. We got our gear ready when we were about to leave each other once more. "It was, good to see you again raven.i haven't heard from you since, you know." i said. She stood there processing what i said to her. "Where did you get that?" asked raven. "What thing?" i replied. "That red blade, it's exactly like adams and mine, where did you get it?" asked raven once more. "well , i made it, adam left the house and joined the fang, i couldn't go back to the school, so, there was really nothing left for me to do except, make a weapon, but i didn't want a casual sword, i wanted to make a rare sword so i can have more of a threatening look to my foes, but it just seems like now it's the only thing i have." i said. I walked over to the edge of the cliff. "What are you going to do now?" asked raven. "i'm , going to finish my mission. I still got ruby and the schnee to deal with left, but i gotta deal with a little student first." i said. I then jumped off and activated my own semblance to make land safely. "Jack, if only you would live to see the end."

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