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  I walked through the woods knowing that if whatever happens next, i can't come back from it. This is the only place i can go where they can help me, my injuries still hurt from the fight i had from salem, at least i've faced worse. The trees were about to end showing me my destination, Qrow can save them, i never fought him but with that sword of his, i probably never stood a chance. My other choice was to help ruby or yang train while i heal,but i would be just awkward for me. They never would remember me but when qrow wasn't available, i was next in line. Yang would talk to me about my stories at beacon, and ruby, well she's just listen in to my stories with my weapon and just watch me repair my hand whenever it got damaged. They were really easy kids to take care of. Yang was sometimes off when i was there,like, i may have triggered a memory of her mother. There was a big camp when i got out of the forest, i walked up to the gate. I looked up at the man who controlled the gate. "Sorry lad, i don't see you on the list, come again next time." he said jokingly. I didn't come here for jokes, i only came for someone not a joke. "Let me in, and you won't get hurt." i threatened. He laughed at my threat thinking it was some kind of joke, then stopped and stared at me. "Y'know, you're getting on my nerves. First, there was the fight at the house, and i get it, family is a good thing. And now this? Just turn around lad, no point in killing you." he said. I could tell that whatever was happening inside the gate stopped from the current situation, bandits are family, if someone got hurt, then the others fight. I got my sword out and pointed it towards him. I still had major injuries but i still wouldn't give up, i wasn't scared i was determined. "Let me in now, you don't know what i have been through, and what i've done to get here. I have lost friends, people took them from me. But at the end of the day, i know that everything they cared about is why i'm here. I am their mercy, I am their vengeance, and I am their determination. So, i'm not asking you, i am telling you to let me in, or you will face the consequences." i said. He looked at me then just giggled. "Look, there is more of us than there is of you, what can you possibly do?" he asked with others behind him. I lowered my sword and got ready. "Sorry summer." i said as i leaped up towards the balcony then knocked the off one by one, then got to the ground floor. "Kill him." said the bandit in an aggressive tone of voice. There were bandits on all sides with weapons attacking me but they were nothing, sure some of my injuries got in the way but i still kept on attacking, they can't keep at it forever, but then again, neither can i. I used semblance after semblance to defeat them in this battle of attacks, when i realized that some of them were badly hurt i kept up the same place to beat them. I took many down but they were still coming and i was getting tired. I was wrong, they kept going and going, till i was tired. They circled around me and got ready to kill me, i used my magnetism to slow them down but like always, they came back. "Y'know, you had a long run, but now, it's over." he said as he lift the sword over his head. "They have metal armor, use your magnetism.". I didn't question, i did what they told me to do and it worked. I got back up ready to fight. "Enough!" ordered someone. I looked up at the big house in the middle where the voice came from. I knew she would be here. "You know our manners, we welcome our guests with open arms, especially ones who can handle themselves." said raven with a smile on her face, ordering me to enter her home.  

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