Chapter 4. Old times

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I stood my ground as the bandits walked slowly towards the house. " c'mon lad, let us raid this good lil' house and we'll be on our way." said one of the bandits. "Nah, this house belongs to a good friend of mine and i'm not gonna let you raid it." i said as i got my weapon out in defense. "heh , guess we'll kill ya first then raid the place.". "Over my dead body.". "Precisely." as we exchanged sentences of battle to each other as i dashed towards them. I used my semblance go make me go faster than my usual running speed, but then i realised, i stopped dead in my tracks. "I guess it'll be easier if to kill you if you just stand still!" said the bandit as if he was going to win this fight. "What are you doing, move?!"yelled yang. Then as if by some guardian angel was with me he sliced my head off and went away to the house. But what they did not know is that i used blake's semblance to get the upper hand on them. I then grabbed the bandit by the leg and pulled as hard as i can so he can fall so i could attack. As he fell to the ground the other bandits looked at me with a surprised look. "H-How are you alive?!" said one of the bandits. "You wanna know what happened? I just took down your captain, you all have the count to five before i do to you what i do to the grimm." i warned. When i said that all their faces looked scared, they didn't want to see what i do to the grimm so they ran away, running scared. I then looked back at yang who was looking at me with the most frightened look i've seen in years. I then sheathed my weapon and headed back to the house when tai came out. "What did you do? Did you tell yang about it?" asked tai as if he was the most paranoid person in the world. "Calm down lad, you don't want the grimm to come now don't you. And to answer your question, i sorta did tell her and my job here is sorta done." i said with a calm attitude. "Jack, get in the house now and finish your conversation with yang." demanded tai. "I'd like to stay and chat but i got much more important business to attend to, heh, i just made a pun. Tell yang that one tai. She'll love it, it's gonna take her awhile to figure it but it'll give her a good laugh. See ya man." i said as i went away to pay my visit.

I was walking to an edge of a cliff to visit my friend. I have not said anything to her since the day she has passed. It was a beautiful day, no negative feelings, everyone happy, i was at beacon visiting team STRQ, i hadn't seen them in forever so i figured i should see them again. When i arrived at beacon everything was off, like the setting never seemed like it was when i still went to beacon. When i got to the dorm room there was no one there, so i waited, and waited, and waited, and waited till i was about done with waiting and about to leave when all of a sudden they all arrived except for summer, at first i didn't know but qrow broke the silence with that and then the cookie crumbled down and that's how i started all of this wetwork. When i arrived at the cliff, i started to die a little inside but then i pulled myself together. "Hey summer, it's me, jack. I wish you were here helping us on everyone's own thing, with ruby, she's growing up fast now, she's a strong warrior, i wish you were here. Oh and, thank you for helping with my hand that time. It was very risky for me, i should've even gone there on my own, i thought i could do it but, heh, you proved me wrong. You were always the stronger one summer. Too bad the grimm got yo-" i said as i got to a stop when i started using my head in a very good manner. I remembered the story that summer told me when she visited when i was sick, she was my best friend at beacon. If only she could've stayed a bit longer. It was a story about the four maidens, fall, winter,spring, and summer. The four seasons bringing joy to a man that stayed in his house for years and so he gave the maidens special powers that gave the seasons of the world their meaning. And the only way to earn this power was to be a female and has to be the last thought of the maidens mind. So, i thought to myself, with all of that power, how did summer die? There should be no way that a maiden should die from a creature of darkness. Just like the fall maiden she didn't die from the grimm, she died from cinder, someone who wanted that power. so , who was strong enough and needy enough to kill summer for her power? "Why'd you stop?" said a familiar voice. I turned around to see yang behind me with asad depressed voice. "Ruby's mom was really a super mom. Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters." said yang with tears coming out of her eyes. "Well, seems like you know about summer, but what about raven?" i said. She then looked at me with a surprised look on her face. "Yeah, well, you don't know her that well, she is not a mother, she shouldn't even have a daughter like you, leaving you with just tai to take care of you shouldn't be a choice, she is a monster." i said with such anger. "I kept in touch with her, but i never told her about you or ruby, or anything else, in a way, she's just like blake, running away from her problems and not facing them like a real huntress just like summer!" i yelled. When i looked back at yang she just cried then ran way. When she left, i went back towards the grave and put my hood down, revealing my graying white hair, then, i took my face mask down revealing my face. "Was it you raven, did you kill her?" i said turning around to see raven with a surprised look on her face. "How did you know i was here?" said raven. "After all of those years, i still remembered how our first fight went down, you were the only bird in sight." i said. "A monster, that's what you think of me? A killer?" asked raven. "I knew you heard that. Yes, i do. Because you left your only daughter with tai and one time, she took ruby with her and almost died, but you know who saved them? Their drunk uncle qrow. You didn't, you just stood by and watched." i said. "Well.... If that is what you think, then i'll end you right where you stand." said raven as she took her weapon out. "I'll take that as a yes. Alright,come and do it." i dared raven to this fight, and i'm sure as hell, that she won't leave without any cuts.

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