Chapter 11. This will be the day

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The grimm were, different than usual, the looked the same but the have some sort of black essence coming from out of them. I knew salem had the power to communicate with the grimm, but i never knew she can upgrade. The grimm came to me as if i was the most dangerous threat to them, which is probably true, and attacked me, i used all of what i can to stop the grimm and to get to salem but they kept pushing me back farther and farther so i wouldn't be able to reach her. I did something no other hunter would do, i dodged them all. Killing few at a time, i slipped through the packs of grimm to get closer to salem, then, they all disappeared. "I'll kill you sometime, you can't keep dodging forever. Then a king taiju came from dust and attacked me like everything didn't matter, killing me was it's only mission, i got on the top of it's head then cut it off. "How many grimm will it take to kill you!?" she yelled. I jumped up towards her then used blake's semblance to knock her down before she can summon any more grimm to keep me back. I put my foot on her so she wouldn't get up. I activated my swords power to end her once and for all. "This is the end, you lost salem." i said. She grinned at me. "No, this, is the beginning, of the end." she said as an arrow pierced my side and pushed me to the ground. I looked to my right where cinder was standing strong above me, she was going to activate her power, i tried to teleport out of here but i couldn't, i was going to die. "Say goodbye, dearest brother." said salem. Cinder shot out her power but then a flash of light stopped in front of me that blocked cinder's power from hitting me. "No, jack will not die on my watch!" said the flashing light. I heard that voice before, it was someone that i cared about. "Summer?" i asked. Then after that, i teleported somewhere, leaving them unaware of where i went, and leaving me, feeling awfully grim.

I took a deep breath when i arrived into the place that i have have teleported to, the place i was at was a cliff, it was a good place to lie low until i recover. I got up then immediately dropped down onto my knees, i couldn't understand, i've been through worse and i got back up, why couldn't do it now? The arrow was still in the place where it pierced me, i slowly took it out and threw away from me then started crawling to a tree. I leaned down on the tree with blood coming out of my side, i feel, burning in my side, i want it to end badly. I put my hand on the wound and took a picture out. It was a picture of my team on the first day of beacon. "Told ya, if i die, then i see you again lads. sans, you were my best friend in the times of dark with your stupid but funny puns." i said as i took my mask and hood off. "Ana, you were the one who helped me and saved me the most on our missions, and i love you for that.". I began to shed a tear. "Nicole, you were the one that introduced me to beacon, you introduced me to STRQ, ozpin, everyone that i needed to care about, i thank you for that." i started to cry because i know that i would never hear that name again, JSAN, it was one of the few things that were valuable things that i owned, i was supposed to take care of them, they were my family, and they died by my side, with me only to remain. I got back up, they won't, i put the picture back, they will never, i walked into the forest, their death, means hope.I know i may die, but one thing i know for sure, is that i will never, give up.

When days are dark, and the nights even darker, there will be one shining knight, to liberate all that stand in the way, and when the light finds its way, it will avenge the fallen. "Peace to the fallen." is what they say, Peace to the people. is what they want and is what they'll get. The world will always need more heroes, especially in the time when darkness rules, but only for one moment, when the hero will sacrifice everything for what they believe in, they will never stop, until victory is claimed. But until then, we will help those who need it. That, was the promise we made.

I walked to the grave, the grave of summer rose, i stopped in front of the grave and took my mask off. "Summer, was that you?" i asked into the night sky. There was no answer. I looked back down and put a white rose down on the grave for her then started to walk away. "Yes, it was.". I looked behind me to see a transparent summer standing by her grave. I couldn't believe it, she was standing right there in front of me. "Rose, is that really you?" i asked with a tear coming close to coming out. "Yes, it's me, now hug me you knight!" she said. I dashed towards her to hug her and i let out tears to let her know how much i missed her. "I'm sorry that i couldn't save, i should've stayed there, i shouldn't have listened to ozpin and i shouldn't have left beacon i'm sorry." i said crying with my arms wrapped around her. "Hey, hey it's alright, you didn't do anything wrong you did the right thing, you survived, you avenged me the way i would want you to, you don't need to say sorry, you did everything you could." she said. "I know, but i still could've saved you, your child is the only thing that can stop them now, i tried to stop them and you saved me from them, i don't know how i can thank you." i said. She floated off into the air. "You only need to do one thing for me jack. And that is to survive." said summer. And that was the last i've heard from her. Survive? I looked off into the night sky where she disappeared to. "Alright summer, i will." i said as i started to walk off back into the forest. The world of remanent needs a savior, and i know where to start. "Thanks summer.".

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