Chapter Seven: Other

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I was walking down the halls, until a familiar poster caught my eye.

!!Make sure to bring your significant other!!
Date : xx/xx/xx
Location : xxx

Another dance, not to go to, because no one would like to take me. Nor do I want to go, because it'll be boring.

I was about to walk away when I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry!" They say.

"O-oh it's okay." I reassure them. I look up to see the person I bumped into. It was a guy, a handsome one.

"M-my name's bambam." He says. "Bam.. bam?" I question. I know it seems rude, but is that really his name?

"Ah, it's a nickname." He says. I nod to say that I understand. "Well my name's Y/n" I say and take my hand out to shake his.

"I know." He replies. I raise an eyebrow at him. "I-I mean, hello Y/n.." He says and looks down shyly, trying to hide the tiny bit of pink that has spread on his cheeks.

I giggle, making him look up with a face of confusion. I stop giggling and speak.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, bambam." I say, waving goodbye to him as I walk away.

He smiles and waved back. He mumbled something, but I was unsure of what he had said, since we were already far apart from each other.

He had walked away after saying a "Goodbye", and waved his hand, a cute smile forming on his face.

I had waved back a goodbye, walking the opposite direction, noticing that someone was watching.

Taehyung, his eyes on me, and the look of sadness. Walking past him, I mumble a "Hi" loud enough for him to hear me, and thinking about BamBam and his adorable actions.

I had to admit he was cute, but I don't think being in a relationship with him is what I want.

I'm still stuck with the stupid love for a stupid, and handsome guy.

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