~.Chapter 1.~

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Zane's POV:

Today at starlight I had a date with Kawwaii~Chan. It was SO fun! Probably the most fun I have ever had in my life. *sigh*.. She makes me feel so special.

On the boat:

"So.. Nana, did you have fun?" Zane said smiling under his mask. "Of COARSE!" Kawwaii~Chan shouted. She had a huge grin on her face. "Nana! Be quiet.. The others are sleeping remember!!" "sorry.." Said Kawwaii~Chan. They walked to their room holding hands. Zane went to his bed, while Kawwaii~Chan was getting settled in the suitcase. Zane looked at her for a moment, then said, "Hey Nana?.." Kawwaii~Chan turned around at Zane. "Yeah?" She said. Zane starts to blush. "Wanna sleep in the bed.. W-with m-me?.." Kawwaii~Chan hesitated. "Yeah sure!" Kawwaii~Chan said. Blushing as well. 

They started getting under the sheets. They faced opposite directions. It was awkward, but they liked it at the same time, considering they like each other a lot. 

Kawwaii~Chan's POV:

It was really awkward.. and cold.. I was so cold I was very tempted to take all the sheets off Zane and put it over me.. Maybe I should say something?.. I don't know.. "Zane?.." I turned around to face him. "I- I'm kinda cold.. Can I have some more blanke-" He cut me off and wrapped himself around me. Hugging me.. He was so warm and cuddly! Wait.. OH MY IRENE!! HE-HE IS CUDDLING WITH ME!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I smiled so much, I never knew he could be this sweet and romantic!

Zane's POV:

Kawwaii~Chan said she was cold, without thinking I just HUGGED HER! Oh my IRENE I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT! Well, I hoped it helped, I thought it would be cute. She didn't pull back. I just want her to love me..

They went to sleep together, cuddled up.. It was adorable!

Zane's POV:

I woke up to two loud noises.. They were screams. I woke up panicked.. I opened my eyes and- Wait. GARROTH. APHMAU!!? WHAT THE? "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE!???!" I shouted. I looked down and saw Kawwaii~Chan asleep still. She must have been really tired last night. I'm not sure, I just know I want GARROTH AND APHMAU OUT OF MY ROOM!

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE!???!" Zane shouted. "EE!!! SORRY ITS JUST MY SHIP CAME TO LIFE EVEN MORE!!" Aphmau exclaimed. "OMG APHMAU IS SO RIGHT!" Garroth said with a huge grin on his face. "GET OUT!" Zane said angrily. "FINNNEE...." Aphmau and Garroth said together, walking out. Zane got up and locked his door.. Which he should have done in the first place. He checked the time and went back in bed. Cuddled up with Kawwaii~Chan, again. "I love you Nana," He said. Zane kissed her on the cheek and went to sleep.

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