~.Chapter 7.~

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Kawwaii~Chan woke up. "Wh-- What the-" She said as she stumbled around. She sat up. "KAWWAII~CHAN!" She heard someone say in the distance. "Huh?.." "KAWWAII~CHAN YOU'RE OKAY!" Zane exclaimed as he rushed up to her and gave her a big hug. "Do you know what happened?" He asked Kawwaii~Chan. "K-K-Kawwaii~Chan doesn't know.." She replied. Zane released their hug. He started to think. "Hmm.." He said. "So you just woke up on the floor huh?." "Kawwaii~Chan - Uh.. guesses?.." Kawwaii~Chan replied. Zane looked around at the scene and saw a broken bottle that had some pink liquid in it. He examined it. "Whats this?.. HEY LUCINDA!?.." Zane said. Lucinda rushed to them. "Yeah?" She said. Zane picked up the broken glass and showed it to her. "This. Whats this?" Zane said. Lucinda's eyes said worry. "It.. It seems to be a love potion. The way the bubbles swirl around and form star- Wait.. WAIT." She said. "KIM!!" Lucinda shouted. No one answered. "KIM!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" Lucinda shouted again; Still no answer. "Ugh. I am gonna find Kim. Zane, make sure Kawwaii~Chan is okay.." She said as she walked away. "Okay.." Zane reliped. He had no idea what happened. You could see the fear in his eyes as he looked at Kawwaii~Chan. Blaze walked in the room. "Is everything okay?" He said. Kawwaii~Chan looked at him and started blushing. She got up and held him. "Hey Blaze~Kun.." She said giggling. "Umm.. Hey Pinkie~Chan" Blaze said confused. He tried to pull away because he knew Zane and Kawwaii~Chan were a, thing; But Kawwaii~Chan kept holding onto him. Zane was pretty confused and then remembered.. The potion. He tried to grab Kawwaii~Chan and pull her back but she just pushed him away. Zane knew this was only temporary and it was just a potion but Blaze doesn't know that. Kawwaii~Chan was inching her face towards Blaze's giggling. Then, Kawwaii~Chan started to kiss him. Blaze's eyes widened. "WHAT THE!-" Zane shouted as he hit Blaze, because he wasn't trying to pull away. They both jumped. "Zane~Kun! How dare you interrupt!" Kawwaii~Chan said. "Scarfybro.. Whats going on?" Blaze said to Zane. "Apparently she is under a love potion, seems to be made so she would love you. "What? Zane~Kun, I have ALWAYS loved Blaze~Kun!" She exclaimed as she went in to give Blaze another kiss; Blaze just pushed her away. "Hey!" She said with a pouty look on her face.  Even though Zane knew it was just a potion, he still felt sad inside. He looked down at the ground. "Lucinda will be here soon, she will do something about it.. Right?" He thought. 

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