~.Chapter 6.~

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Ghost's POV:

I saw them. I saw Zane and Kawwaii~Chan together. Ugh she has to ruin everything. Zane is MINE and I will get him back. I remember what happened last time.. Wrong move of me...

*Ghost starts to think*

Hmm... IDEA!

Ghost walks down to Lucinda's room pretending to be Kim. "Ahem.." Ghost interrupts. "Hm?". Lucinda turns around. "Oh hey Kim!" Lucinda says as she turns around and gets back to work making a cat potion. "So.. Lucinda.. I was wondering if I could um, use your spellbook?" said Ghost. Lucinda stopped. "Why?.." She questioned. "B- Because I am um.. Practicing p- potions!" Ghost exclaimed. Lucinda hesitated and said, "Fine, but be careful with it. There is some dangerous stuff in there. If you wanna know what is not safe it has a symbol next to it." Lucinda pointed to a thick red slash with a black star on it in the index page. "Okay! I will be careful" Ghost said as she turned around. She had an evil grin that Lucinda couldn't see. As Ghost walked away Lucinda mumbled something. "Something doesn't feel right.."

Ghost ran to her room and locked the door. She started to read the ingredients as she grabbed them to make the potion that for sure would get Kawwaii~Chan away from Zane. "One tablespoon of sugar, two peppermint candy canes, and.. One strand of the persons hair they will be attracted to.." Ghost stopped. "This doesn't seem like a good idea.." She said; then she thought for a moment. "Anything to get my Zane!!" Then she got up and looked for someone that Kawwaii~Chan could fall in love with. "Hmm... How about.." Ghost then looked at someone. "Blaze! Perfect!" Ghost then walked up to him and pulled out a piece of his hair when he wasn't looking. "OW!" He exclaimed. Blaze turned around to see nothing. "What was that?.. Whatever.." Blaze said as he went back to read his book. Ghost went back to the room and finished her potion. "Now, I just got to give this to Kawwaii~Chan somehow.." Ghost mumbled.

Ghost walked with the potion behind her back. She spotted Kawwaii~Chan alone. "Hey Kawwaii~Chan.." Ghost said with an evil grin. Kawwaii~Chan turned around and said, "Oh! Kim~Sama, I didn't see you th-"  Then she was stopped when Ghost threw the potion at her. Kawwaii~Chan stumbled around and fell to the floor unconscious. Ghost ran away leaving the broken bottle behind.  

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