~.Chapter 10.~

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  *A week later*

  Aaron's POV:

  "C'MON GUYS!!! GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER CAUSE WE ARE GOIN' BACK HOME!" Aphmau screams throughout the cabin banging pots and pans together. Dang, I can't get enough of her. She is like a child at times, and by that, I mean practically ALL the time. It's hilarious. I then see her head peeking through the doorframe to our bedroom, eyes staring at me like a hawk. I just looked back at her, sitting criss-cross on the bed I made a minute ago. She didn't say anything, but instead came through the door a tiny bit more. She then shot a look at the floor next to the bed- where an open empty suitcase sat. I cocked my head and gave her a confused look. "Yeeeeessssss?..." I said breaking the silence between us. She kept giving me the 'death glare'- which honestly looks likes she is a puppy that didn't get his bow-wow treat he wanted. She stepped into the room completely, wearing dark purple knee high kitty socks. Aph crossed her arms, and again, looked at the suitcase only with her eyes. I stared at her, then leaned over to where she was looking... I saw the empty suitcase, then stopped leaning and sat back up. "Aph, tell me what you want?" I said. "Ugh, fine..." She groaned. "I want you to, as I said in the hall, GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER CAUSE WE ARE GOING BACK HOME." Geez, I wasn't ready for her mini-outburst, though I should have known with her expression. "Okay then, gosh, why didn't you say-" I stopped as she angerily stared at me. "Oh."



 Aphmau's POV:

  I can't wait to go back home! Now, don't get me wrong, Starlight was freaking AMAZING! But... I was kinda homesick the whole time. I was wondering how my pets were doing, hoping our houses will not explode like last year. I mean, so much could have happened while we were gone, considering all this crazy stuff HERE happened. Like, Aaron and I got married, (EEEE!!) Zane confessed his feelings to Kawaii~Chan and ex. Though now that I'm thinking about it most of the stuff has been romantic relationship stuff. I mean, when are Travis and Katelyn gonna get together? At least I hope they will. (Hehe, I ship it so much!) I was thinking about all these thoughts when I ran into someone in the hall. "Owch!" I shouted in pain. "Agh..." Said a guy. I looked to see who it was, and it was Zane. He looked up too. "Oh sorry, Aph.." He said in a sleepy tone. "Oh Zane, it's fine! And I'm sorry as well." I replied. He rubbed his head and said, "Cheery, eh?" "Yipper! Hehe, so excited to go back home!" I said in a spiteful manner. Zane smiled at me and walked in the other direction. I went back and kept walking. Except... "Ow! My gosh..." I turned behind me. It was Zane still. I ran to him "Oh my, Zane! Are you okay?" I said. "Uh, yeah, just... A bit tired." Then he yawned. I took a look at him and saw dark circles under his eyes. I sighed. "Zane... How long did you stay up last night?..." I said. He shrugged. "I don't remember." I replied, "Zane, really, you should get some sleep. I honestly think you need it, I mean, you barged into the wall that you weren't even CLOSE to a moment ago!" "No, no, I... I'm..." He paused and yawned. "I'm fine..." I looked at him in disbelief. I then preceded to watch him bang into the wall again. I looked at him for a moment, then walked over to him, and dragged him to his room. "No, Aph... I'm good...." He said, obviously lying. With my foot, I pushed the door open then glanced at his bed. I saw Kawaii~Chan- she was awake reading a book with this cutesie heart shaped reading glasses on. She pulled them down to the tip of her nose. "Um, Aphmau~Sempai, what is... That?" Motioning over the unconscious Zane. "Don't even ask... Just help me get him into bed PLEASE..." I replied. "Okie Dokie!" She said taking her glasses completely off. She ran over and tugged at his ankles. Zane woke up. "AGH, OW! STOP PULLING THERE, PLEASE!" He pleaded. Kawaii~Chan dropped his feet. "Um, Zane~Kun. I'm Sorry!" She said with her eyes wide open. He sighed, "Its fine Kawaii~Chan. But seriously, I'll get there by myself." He said as he walked slowly to his side of the bed. Now Aph, you can leave, I'm in bed okay?" He told me. "Okay, okay," I said. "Nightie cuties!" I said giggling.

Zane's POV:

I was so embarrassed by Aphmau, but that's fine. I'm in bed and I guess that's all that matters... To her... Seriously, all I needed was a coffee and I would've been fine. But NO, she HAD to drag me to my bed. Ugh, whatever. I'm gonna go to sleep, I apparently need it. I turned to Kawaii~Chan and said, "I don't know how Aaron can manage her..." Kawaii~Chan looked at me with her glasses on again. "Hehe, me neither." She replied with a grin on her face. "Also, you forgot to take this off." She said as she grabbed my mask and pulled it off my face. "Oh, oops." I chuckled. She then kissed me and said goodnight. I turned to the other side and went to bed, expecting to be fully awake tomorrow.


  Sorry, I haven't posted a chapter in a while, I was having some serious trouble figuring out what to write. Honestly, I was thinking on canceling this book because of other fanfictions I've read. They were so good and detailed, and mine, well, It's just a piece of crap. I was pretty disappointed with what I've done compared to other writers, especially in the fanfiction community. Most of the fanfictions have a story, and it shows how the two characters get together. But mine, it just does whatever it wants, without a TRUE story. But I decided not to, and renamed this book 'Found Love (Zane~Chan/Zana Diary)'. And I used diary instead of fanfiction because I think it goes better with how I'm writing this. Welp, I guess that's out of the way.

  Also, thank you SO much for 600 reads! (Kinda the reason I didn't cancel the book) 

Welp Adios!

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