Nonsense 63!

37 3 2

Taro Vs Budo Rap Battle Parody~
Rio Vs Ira Rap Battle~

Ciel: Epic Rap Battles Of Precure! Rio~Kun Vs Ira~Kun! Begin!

Ira: So let me get this straight: you just sit there and read. Without a care in the world a want or a need! Do you call that living? call that being a bum! You'll be begging to Join my club when this rap battles done!
Rio, You blend into the crowd with some friends and there. But what you really need is a purpose, not just sweet fresh air. How bout I show you how to defend yourself so you can survive. After That you'll finally know the meaning of being ALIVE!


Ira: You Got Nothing To Say!? Cmon, show me what you can do! I know a million ways to fight you and a million ways to block you. Rio, Say Something. You really have nothing to say? If You Don't Then why the heck why won't you see things my way!?

Rio: *Sighs and stands up* Look Ira, I'm just not interested Alright! Why would I join a club like yours unless I'm looking for a fight? I just want to read in peace but you just had to open up your mouth. So let me shut you up and tell you what this Kuroki's all about. I'm a Average Teenage Guy, Tryna get by in school. Without Any ones approval or looking like a fool. Unlike you. I mean come on, you walk around like Bruce Lee. Telling people "Hey join my club we do karate!". But let's face it: Why learn about fighting unless you plan to use it anytime you want, what's your thoughts on that than? If you can't defend that, then you've already lost. Now, pardon my english but can you Kindly F**k Off~

Ira: There's no need to get hostile Buddy, I just wanted to convince you. Then there's more to life than reading what fictional characters would do. You can laugh all you want,but you might not regret joining me.
If someone goes berserk and starts a random killing spree.

Rio: Now see, that logic just doesn't make sense. If no one here's a psycho than why should I learn defense?
Unless your planning something Ira, wanna spill what that's about? Why learn defense unless you plan to knock someone out~

Ira: You're putting words in my mouth!

Rio: Then stop judging me, OK! I like reading get over it!

Ira: But how is that ok? Like, all you do is read. What girl finds that attractive?

Rio: What? Is THAT what this is about?! What about being active?

Ira: You Dense Mother F**ker! Would you look up for once?! There's a bunch of girls who think your the cutest of the bunch! How could you be so blind despite the reading you keep doing!? Gah, what am I saying, Heck who am I fooling!?

Rio: Now see, unlike you, I don't care about someone's looks. I just want them to be kind and maybe like some of my books. If you want a girl that badly, than read and see how far that goes. You've Made an A** of yourself and now everybody knows!


Ira and Rio: CIEL!

Ciel: Sorry...sorry! I guess you decide? EPIC RAP BATTLES-

Ichika: Ciel......




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