Nonsense 114!

39 6 1

I swear
I'm dumb af
So, at steam we were playing infected
I was trying to jump but accidentally tripped over the thing I was trying to jump on
A couple people from my class saw me and asked me I was ok
I just sat up and yelled "I'M OKAY!"
So, I walked into the bathroom where 3 other girls were that were also playing infected
One of them gave me a bandaid :D
Anyways, my elbow hurts
My butt hurts
And my fingers are numb

Before class started, me and my two friends were outside in line
This is what happened:

My friend: What's that black stuff on her chest?

Me: Stuff from my-

My other friend: I think those are boobs

I just turned around and looked at her
Then my friend said "Abigail, that's a stupid answer."
I hate it when people talk about stuff like that
Like last year my friend started talking about that in front of some boys in my class
Oh my god...


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