"Where have you been all my life?"

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(Drawn by me, sorry, the hand was rushed, my digital art is horrid.)

Soulmate AU; Where you have a tattoo anywhere on your body, but alongside with that the color of your tattoo will be the same for your soulmate. You also have a a spirit spiraling around that area. (example, if it was on your arm, it would circle around it constantly.) Once you met your soulmate, both spirits would connect, making a heart, leading them to each other. 

        Albert always thought he'd never meet his soulmate, even after Lana. He loved her with everything he had, but she didn't have the same soulmate mark as he did. Her's was purple, while his was a bright golden color. 

It crushed him, knowing Lana will find someone else who makes her happier then when she was with Albert. 

Sighing, Albert walked into the nearest club, planning to get wasted, then call a cab home. 

He strode through the club to the bar, fetching the bartender to get him a drink. He held the drink with his right hand, where the soul-mark stood out, the spirit circling his hand in constant rhyme. 

He continued having some more drinks till he felt he was drunk, swaying slightly. Looking around, he noticed every individual had a different soul-mark, ranging from bright colors to dull colors. 

He sighed once more,  getting up to join the partying drunk people on the dance floor. He wasn't paying attention to the music, but he kept an eye on the people around him. Different races, heights, weight, some seemed sober, while others were to the point where they were blackout drunk. 

Someone caught his eye though, he was in his early 20's it seemed, brown hair, glasses and was decently tall. His soul-mark must of been on his calf, because the spirit was spiraling around it. 

The color seemed to be of a yellow-golden type, but he wasn't too sure. The other must of saw him, because he smiled in his direction. 

Albert, who is very drunk from all the drinks he took earlier, walked over to him. Upon closer inspection, Albert noticed his soul-mark color was almost identical to his. His eyes seemed to light up, knowing he might finally meet his soulmate, in a club no less. 

"Hey, my names Albert--" He tried to say, noticing both of their spirits move from their original spot moving quickly between them, spiraling around each other, to lastly form a heart.

"You're my soulmate? I never thought I'd find mine!" The other man said, smiling happily. 

Albert, who still didn't know this other persons name, hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go. "I'm Jake, by the way." The other said, while hugging. 

Jake, who didn't seem as drunk as Albert did, hesitantly pulled back. "Do you want to come over? I'd like to get to know more about you." Albert, who looked up to Jake, nodded, reaching for his hand, so they could intertwine fingers. 

Both of them walked out of the club together, getting into Jake's car. This was going to last longer than any other relationship he'd had, Albert thought. 

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