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Jealousy, sexual content, and cursing. 

       Albert hadn't been listening to Jake when he said enough was enough, but he had always been stubborn. Especially when it meant with flirting, every chick he met, he'd try to sneak his way into their jeans. 

One night, Jake had took them to a local cafe to get something to drink since it was chilly out. It was late October and most of the leaves that piled neatly on the ground were of all sorts of colors, it was quite stunning to take in. 

Jake got hot tea, while the other just got coffee. Albert, being his usual self, looked at the waiter with gratitude, she was very pretty; blue eyes, tall and in her late 20's. He flirted with her, asking what she was doing after work and if she'd like to meet up with him later. 

The taller male was fuming, jealousy arising at every word coming out of Albert's mouth. He stayed quiet, silently watching them. 

Albert was smiling at the older lady, practically tracing every curve on her body with his eyes. She was gorgeous, stunning even. She was very friendly, and he accepted his invite to meet up later. The older lady would get off of work at around 8:00. 

That would leave 2 hours before they'd meet up. Jake practically growled under his breath, he was thinking about Albert fucking her later on, his mouth on her lips, on her everywhere. 

Once she was gone and they had their drinks, Jake stayed silent, ignoring Albert. He'll be in for a hell of a surprise later. 

Albert went on talking non-sense, white noise to Jake's ears, instead he decided to look out the window, admiring the colorful cars passing by, or the variant of people walking down the street seemingly minding their own business.

He thought about how he used to be one of them, alone just wandering the earth without a cause. Until Albert showed up, he lit up his life, even though they weren't dating, they were very close. 

Albert always seemed to show an interest in women, most of his lovers, including Lana was a female. Jake was the only guy he'd been with before, they've dated in the past. 

Jake was over-protective and he'd always hate to think that Albert would want to be with a different person someday, be lovesick for them and fuck them on a daily basis. He was fuming, he needed to calm down.

Once they were finished with their drinks, Jake payed for the bill and headed home with Albert. Once they stepped foot into the house, the taller male pushed him into the wall, quickly closing the door to rush over to Albert.

"H-hey what they hell!?" Albert said,  gasping when Jake took his hands and held them tightly above his head. 

Jake snarled, "You're mine and no bitch is going to stop me." he went to biting his neck, hard. He wanted the whole world to know that Albert belongs to him and only him. 

Albert tried to squirm out of the other's grip, but the other was stronger than him. He couldn't move, he was stuck.  He yelped when the other bit his neck, pushing his head back against the wall. "St-stop please" He tried, with no luck. 

Jake chuckled, "Not until I show you who you belong to, my bitch." biting down on his collar bone, he moved his hands off of the other's hands so he could take off the other's shirt. 

"Get into the bedroom now, if you don't I swear to god you won't like what'll come out of it." Albert hesitated, looking into Jake's eyes seeing lust and a hint on anger? What was he angry about? He sighed, walking to the bedroom plopping onto the bed. 

Jake came in, "Now close your eyes, no fucking peeking." he said, demanding he'd do so. He walked over to get onto the bed, in front of Albert.

 He got out the blindfold he had and put it on the other, then grabbed his wrists and tied them on the headboard. Jake tied them tight so he couldn't move his hands and he'd be sore from not being able to move his hands.

Once he was done with that, he took off the other's pants and boxers leaving him naked on the bed. He chuckled, looking at him, he was stunning. 

Jake moved off the bed, and went out of the room to go fetch something. 

Albert, who can hear clearer than he could before since his eyesight is currently blocked heard him go out of the room. In a fit of panic Albert looked to where he heard the footsteps disappear and tilted his head. "J-Jake? Are you there?"

The taller male walked back into the room calmly, holding a vibrator. "If you be a good boy, I'll reward you, but you have to prove it to me slut." Albert bucked up at the name, shaking slightly. 

He got onto the bed again, putting the stuff beside him. He crawled his way in-between Albert's legs, kissing and biting a trail up to his earlobes. Albert moaned, straining to move his hands. 

Jake kissed Albert's earlobe lightly, moving till he was at Albert's lips, inches apart from each other, he breathed against him. "You're such a good boy." He turned on the vibrator and put it close to Albert's entrance, emitting a soft buzz.

Albert gasped, bucking up again, he's never felt something so different before. With all his senses enhanced, it felt like he was in a dream, a wonderful dream to be exact.

Jake shifted, so he was watching Albert, palming himself through his jeans. 

"Good boy, good boy" Jake chanted, he went to grip Albert's wilting cock, thumbing the slit, stroking slowly. 

With Albert being a moaning mess, he knew he wouldn't last long. Within minutes Albert was coming undone, cumming on his belly and stomach. 

Jake moved to turn off the vibrator, undoing Albert's hands and taking off his blindfold. 

"Try that shit again and I'll tie you down and leave you, ungrateful whore." Jake growled, leaving the room to let it sink in. 

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