The Untouched and The Damned

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Demon/Angel AU. ••• Smut, Blowjob/hand-job, mentions of blood.

Jake and Albert had always been best friends, they'd hang out every week and make videos with each other. Up until Albert disappeared, not telling anybody, not even contacting Jake about it. 

It was all out of the blue as well, which really caught Jake off-guard. 

They lived in a world where you walked among the earth as an angel, you had a set of wings and a halo, and no matter what you did to them, they always remained with you. 

Well, almost always. 

When Jake was younger, he'd always cut his wings, rip them up even though it hurt him. They'd grow back within minutes, restoring to how they looked before. 

He thought that his friend might've just closed himself off, never leaving his home, but he checked every inch of his house. Albert wasn't there. 

Jake contacted everyone he knew, asking if they knew where he was, Lana, on the other hand knew where her boyfriend was at. 

She had cried for days when she found out, the only thing left of Albert's existence was the loose halo that was bright on the wood floor. 

Lana knew where he was, and he was where no angel would dare to go. 

He was in hell. He was the unfortunate damned. 

Those who had done bad live there, the ones who's killed people, who's hurt people. 

Jake wondered what he had done to get him sent to hell, and he's going to find out. He's going to travel to hell to find his friend. 

He set out to get what he needed, then did the ritual in his room, taking a deep breathe before vanishing from his spot on the oak floor. 

He wasn't going to lie when he said he was terrified. He's never been there before and quite frankly he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Albert. 

Within seconds he was placed within the same circle with the star in it that he was in before he teleported. He was in a house, but he wasn't in just anybody's house, he was in his own. 

Jake looked around quickly, staying within his circle. He heard something crash not too far away, it had to be the front room, or possibly the kitchen. 

That's when he noticed it, the low sound of footsteps creeping closer, the shadow growing bigger against the walls of the hallway. 

He quietly took a step back, still within the circle. Albert peaked in within the room, looking at him with piercing eyes. 

He wasn't the same Albert he knew before, the one that he had a crush on ever since they left high school, the one who would be by his side with everything he's been through.

No, he was different. Albert didn't have his halo, nor did he have his bright white wings.

 Instead he was placed with black horns nestled on his head, his head of hair hiding most of it. His wings were replaced by long black feathers, that grew bigger than angel wings.

 Albert's hands were long, and sharp, both of his hands were pitch black, minus the fact that they faded into his skin color up along his arms. 

The only normal thing about him was his red shirt with black pants. 

Jake yelped, not daring to move. Albert, on the other hand laughed, smiling at his old friend.

"Long time no see! I missed you babe." he cooed, smiling mischievously. 

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