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Daniel still held on to me and instead of staying in the living room to greet them he continued to his own room.

When he closed the door behind us I could hear how they all began asking each other question that I think neither of them could really answer.

Who was she?

What is she doing here?

But Daniel didn't seem to care about those guys and their curiosity.

He sat down on one of the beds and stayed quiet. There were three beds in here which meant that he pobably shared the room with some other two.

I think he waited for me to explain why I was there or at least say something so that he would understand. But as if I knew what to say, this was as unexpected for me as for him.

When he lost his patience he broke the silence. "Why are you here?" He asked me in a calm way and I gave him the same answer as before. "I'm here to see you."

But I actually wasn't.

"Why?" He continued.

I thought for a moment and remembered the reason I wanted to talk to both of them. The scene were Daniel wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him made me dizzy. And the thing he did next that day made me blush really bad.

Even though I tried to hide my embarassment he must have noticed because he too became red. And it was adorable.

Shyly I glanced at him. "I think you know why."

He swallowed and fell on his back from having sitting up on the bed and accidentally banged the back of his head in the wall. But he didn't seem to have hurt himself much.

I giggled at the sight of him being as clumsy as he always had been. "Cluts".

He smiled brightly and we laughed it away.

Suddenly I heard a voice from outside the room call my name and my whole body froze. When I looked at Daniel he didn't smile anymore and simply glared at the door. We both waited for it to fly open and it soon later did and Jihoon stepped inside.

He noticed me almost directly and I happened to see him slip me a smile before turning to Daniel. The atmosfere became awkward and I began laughing nervously trying to losen it up.

"Hahaha...ha.." It felt like the room dropped in temperature as the silence continued.

"Of course." I managed. "I should have known you'd both be here hehe." Now I wanted to hit myself in the head. How could I so carelessly have said that without thinking.

It didn't seem like the time to hit myself though so I changed the subject.

"Hi" I greeted Jihoon with an odd wave and he only nodded back at me and then cleared his throat. "So.." He began and I saw how Daniel's curiousity increased.

"What are you doing here Anna?" He asked me. Not with his usual kind eyes but instead with peercing ones that asked for the real truth.

I think he knew why I was there. He obviously must have seen my text from this morning and relayed my arrival to the guards by the entrance. There was no other explanation to why they would just let me in like that. Except if they were as easy as shitty guards.

But if that was the case then he already knew that I would meet the others. Meet Daniel. He could have texted me back and say that I couldn't come but he didn't.

Does he want me to confirm something?

I panicked at his question. What I had planned to say to him I had already told Daniel. Now I had to tell him a lie that he knew the truth to.

"I.." I glanced at Daniel and he was paying full attention to us. "I'm here to.." My head began throbbing slightly and I blinked as I finished my sentence. "I'm here to see Daniel."

It really was a mistake coming here.

Jihoon's shoulders slumped and I read him like an open book. You could see how betrayed and confused he was.

"Well then.." He said and avoided my eyes. "I'll leave you alone then." Jihoon and Daniel exchanged one last look before he left the room.

I'm sorry, it's not what you're thinking. That's what I wanted to tell him but as soon as he closed the door behind him, Daniel asked me a question as well.

"How close are you two?" He asked and when I looked into his eyes I saw how worried he was for what my answer would be.
I felt bad for him too. I lied to him and he didn't know anything.

I took a deep breath and sat down beside him. "What do you want the answer to be?"

He faced forwards and very quietly uttered a few words that I couldn't make out what they were. "Hm? What did you say?" I leaned in to hear him better but he turned my way so I leaned back again.

"I don't want you to be close." He said and this time I heard him clear as day. "I know he likes you and I don't like that." He was about to say something else but instead he paused and waited for me to react.

He knows? How? No it doesn't matter how.

Before he paused I saw his lips forming a sentence that he had hesitated to say.
When I understood it I felt a sharp stinging pain in my chest and I knew my heart would almost break if he said the words out loud.

I held my hand were the heart was placed and looked at the ground as my head throbbed in pace with it. I barely held myself back from crying.

I stood up from the bed and he followed me with his gaze.

"No." I said cold like ice. "Not now."

I was sure he had no idea what just happened with me and barely did I.

Without looking at him I ran out of the room and past the guys sitting in the couch. I tied my shoes in the hallway as fast as I could because I didn't want to stay there anymore.

I felt too much guilt.

~To be continued~

Q: At what time in
the day do you
usually read?

Shining bright like a diamond💎

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