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The day of the event came and I hadn't mentioned the university thing to my parents yet. I had thought about it a lot and decided that tonight, at the event, I would find the guys and tell them that I'll move. If they reacted in the way I hoped they would then I would talk to my parents. Though I already pretty much knew how they would answer. They're always very cooperating.

I was supposed to wear a dress today. It was a fancy party and my aunt had helped me find a fitting one. It was difficult to get it on att first since it was very tight around the waist, almost too tight.
When I saw myself in the mirror with the dark blue, thin layered, long gown, I couldn't help but think about how great I looked. All that was missing was my makeup and there was no way I'd put it on myself, if I did it then people would wonder if I fell on my face on the way there. Luckily Charlotte prepaired that as well.

Repeatedly I glanced at the watch and rolled my thumbs. I wasn't nervous for the event because I already knew that it would be a success. Truth be told I couldn't wait for Daniels and Jihoons reaction to my appearence this evening. If I thought I looked amazing then I hoped that they would too.
When the clock turned five we rushed out to the car carefully, trying not to ruin my hair that I had done my best to roll up into a pretty bun on the back of my head, with only a few stripes of hair hanging at the front.
I switched on the heater in the car and my mother drove of.

The closer we got to the building the more people we saw. There were many well dressed couples slowly walking towards the lightened entrance. The sun had just gone down and therefor it hadn't become pitch black outside yet, though the time would surely come.

We stopped by the street beside the building and my mother quickly let me off. With difficult mannered steps in my high heels I made my way in.
It was well organized, I proudly thought as I took of my jacket and looked at everything and everyone around me.
There were pretty, glittering lights hanging down from the ceiling and all the tables had vases with beautiful flowers placed in the middle. It was packed with people who were strolling around looking for their seats and I, after a few more seconds of admiration, did the same.

I didn't have much trouble finding my seat, the difficult part was to get through the big crowd of mingling grown-ups.
My table was quite close to the stage, so I basically had the best spot for when the performance started. The ones sitting beside me would be some other workers who had helped me when I was here before.  My aunt couldn't join us though because she was the center of attention and had to sit by some more important people.
I ended up spending most of my time alone waiting for everything to quiet down and for the dinner to begin.

When everyone was ready they played some slow low music from the speakers and in from an entrance came lines of waiters with several plates each. We were served juicy lamb beef with roasted potatoes and red winesauce. To that I wanted to drink red wine but I was too young so I simply asked for water.
We sat and talked for about half an hour and then someone held a speach that lasted for I don't know how long. Both me and the ones by my table agreed that the worst thing about fancy parties was the speaches. What made them worse was that it was only old people talking and that made each speach longer and more boring. But to make up for that they served delicious chocolate pudding for dessert. It had been nice to sit down and just enjoy the food but after hours of nothing but eating, talking and listening... I wasn't the only one who felt restless.

After the big dinner all of the older couples went home. All the tables were moved to the walls so that we would get a dance floor. The people stood on the floor and faced the stage and I pushed my way through to get as close as possible. Finally the lights in the ceiling were turned of and instead the stage lit up and 11 handsome boys walked in. I was closest to the stage and looked up at them as they prepaired their formation. The younger ones in the crowd behind me began to whistle and applaude.
I called out to Daniel who was standing in the front, only a few meters from me. He looked up and winked at me when he saw me but quickly returned to focusing on his feet.

The speakers began to beat with music and the boys performed. While others screamed of joy I only stood there and stared. My focus shifted from Daniel to Jihoon and vice versa through the whole thing. It was uncomfortable to see them both at the same time in the same place. I felt sad that I would have to leave them behind when I moved but I also felt a bit releaved. All the pressure would fade away.
The group joined the crowd when the performance was over and everyone started to dance on the dance floor along with the music. I tried to crawl out towards the outer circle of the dance floor because I hadn' t planned to dance tonight.
When I later looked around the room I saw Jihoon making his way towards me and I hurried to fix my dress and my hair.

"Hi" He said when he reached me and I answered the same back to him. We only looked at each other for a moment until he finally took a deep breath. "Wow! Really wow.. You look amazing." He blushed and scratched his head as he said it.
I smiled as it was what I had wanted to hear and I thanked him. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the middle of the dance floor. I tried to resist but gave in when we already had passed a big ocean of people.
"Can you dance?" He asked and kept holding my hand. I looked down at my heels and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think so. I haven't tried before." His eyes widened when he heard me and he laughed. "What?! You haven't danced before?" He almost teased me about it and I pouted as I told him that I only had never danced at a party.
He smiled wide and grabbed my other hand. "Then just shake your body to the music." He said and began to twist me by moving my arms. It almost felt like a low and less sexual version of dirty dancing.

~To be continued~

As always, here's a pic

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