Chapter 13

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*Taylor's POV*

Its date night.

Well, okay. Maybe it's not a date. We still have yet to cover what this actually is, but Harris picking me up I'm 5 minutes and I'm not even dressed yet, so we don't have time for that.

I ran into my closet and threw on a black dress with white heels, just quickly combed through my hair (which I was leaving naturally curly for the day) and then went over my make up to make sure nothing looked out of place.

This has to be a record for how fast I've gotten ready for a date.

"On a side note, remind me to stop calling this a date." I mumbled to Meredith as she pranced past me.

The door bell rang. It echoed loudly throughout the house.

"Coming!" I yelled, rushing to the door, tripping over the coffee table, and then unlocking it.

"There's so much security around here." Harry said, adding with a frown, "And so many paparazzi. Must be hard to get out."

"Yeah, they're probably going crazy over this." I sighed. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"To Niall's house." Harry replied.

"Are you kidding me?" I looked at him before shoving him out of the house.

He laughed and pulled me out with him and shut the door behind him, then we made our way out to a limo that was waiting on one of the side roads.

"Well, I told them I was taking you on a da.... hang out? And they were excited, and they either said we had to go to one of their house's or they were coming with us, so I chose this."

I laughed quietly as the limo took off.

In about 30 minutes, we arrived after talking about random things that happened recently, and I explained what happened in the recent car crash, Olivia's coma, Tristan not talking to anyone for the rest of the week after the funeral had finished, and all that was going on in my life. He listened.

There was surprisingly no paparazzi here, Harry saying that they hired a fake Niall to walk to the airport so everyone would follow him.

We walked inside, and immediately I had been greeted with hugs by the boys who have barely said a word to me I'm almost 3 years. It was weird, I felt like they were ignoring me after Harry and I broke up, but it seems like they were waiting for this for awhile.

After talking with them for awhile and catching up, they all randomly stood up at the same time, nodded, and skipped out of the room. Literally. 4 grown men skipped out of the room.

"Niall, that's a closet." Louis shouted.

"Dang it."

"This is your own house, mate. How do you not know that's a closet."

"It's only been a year, okay?"

"Anyways." Harry said, rolling his eyes once the boy's were out of sight completely.

"We keep calling this a hangout." I said.

"Isn't it?" Harry answered, sitting down across from me.

"Let me clarify, you keep calling it a hangout." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, technically, no. I keep calling it a 'da.... hang out', and that doesn't count." He smiled.

"So is it a 'da....' then?" I questioned.

"It's not a bad word." He laughed. "Date."

"Is this a date then?" I asked, laughing slightly, checking the time, and grabbing my purse. "I gotta go."

"Well, I'd like it to be." Harry replied, smiling.

Sorry, I know this took a long time to get out. I wanted to write something more light hearted after what I've been writing recently. But I have news, this is the last chapter. I will have an Epilogue coming soon, I promise. I know this book was incredibly short, but it's the school year and I haven't seen too much activity lately.

Lots of love! -L

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