Hello after two years!

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I disappeared in the One Piece fandom because my brother deleted all the episodes we have downloaded. With no content to rewatch, I slowly started losing interest until I left sometime later.

That's pretty much the gist of why this fic died.

2017 arrives and My father has redownloaded seasons 14 to latest. I remarathoned it, finished Dressrosa arc and here is how I am now.

As I return to the One Piece fandom two years later, I also return to writing these.

I enjoy writing these but I.. don't want to continue it in here.

I wanted a fresh start since I returned to writing because can't help but look back and see all the mistakes I've done and cringe.

I've already made a new account. It's @nayobee if anyone was ever interested. I haven't put anything on it yet but hopefully I will be able to.

If I do actually continue this in the new account, requests would be opened for ship one shots and not just x readers. I'd also write some platonic one shots if anyone wanted them.

I'll probably write one or three more chapters in here bc I'm going to be finishing and editing the drafts I didn't finish before.

Thank you, and adieu!!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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