In Love with Luke, Chapter 10

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Beaus lips crushed against yours in an instant, but you pulled away knowing what you just did was wrong. But staring into those beautiful green eyes you couldn’t resist, you kissed Beau twice more; afterwards you finally both stood up, both of you couldn’t keep your eyes of each other. You heard the sound of Luke’s voice coming and Beau rushed over to the sink to pretend he was washing his hands; Luke walked in and put his arms around your waist. You could see Beau watching in the mirror you were looking at him while Luke kissed your cheek. ‘Time to go home lovely, your Mum said you had to stay at mine because she’s out. You nodded and walked out the door holding Luke’s hand, confused about what was happening.

The whole car trip home all you could think about was Beau, even though Luke was your boyfriend and you had realised what you done wrong, you couldn’t help but think back to when you and Beau kissed. You finally arrived at the Brooks house. As Luke hopped out of the car, you went to the boot to get your bags as Luke walked inside you rushed over to Beau. ‘I can’t stop thinking about you’ Beau said as your faces were only a few centimetres away, he kissed your lips gently, but as you heard Luke’s  footsteps coming back out you hurried back to where your bag was and picked it up. Luke offered to take in and you accepted the offer, smiling back at him. You turned around to Beau and he put his arms around your waist, ‘I really like you’, ‘I like you too , but I’m going out with your brother Beau this can’t happen’ as you started turning away he grabbed your arm ‘He doesn’t have to know about this, and he will never find out’ staring into his green eyes you agreed, knowing it was the wrong decision but you couldn’t help it.  You left Beaus side and rushed back inside to see Luke, he was in the lounge room making up your bed, ‘Sorry Mum doesn’t want us sleeping in the same room’ You laughing and said it was alright. ‘Goodnight Beautiful’ Luke kissed you on the forehead and left your side to go to bed. You put on your pyjamas and made yourself comfortable on the mattress. You heard footsteps, turned around to see Beau smiling at you. 


When I get up to 30 votes, I will upload the new chapter! Share and vote please Xxx

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