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Play Music located on the side

Five years later


“Come on Isabel, you have to get to school darling”

“I cant get my shoes on Daddy”

“Let me help you with that”

“Daddy im scared about my first day”

“Don’t be scared everybody will love you, what isn’t there to love about you, your beautiful, and Mummy is watching over you”

I walked Isabel to the door holding her hand and helping her into the car.

We finally arrived at the primary school, and I walked her inside.

“Okay are you ready to go sweetheart? Grandma will pick you up at 3 o’clock”

“I’m scared” Isabel looked down at her feet

“You will have a great day darling, I love you”

I hugged Isabel for about 2 minutes, she didn’t want to let go. She reminded me so much of Delilah. Her smile and eyes.

I said a final goodbye to Isabel and walked out the door and drove home.

I walked in, and looked at the photo hanging on the wall of Delilah. She had a huge smile on her face and her eyes were filled with happiness and hope.

It had been 5 years since Delilah’s death, I have gotten a job at a photography company and Isabel had only just started school. Delilah  is in my mind every hour of every day. I miss her more than anything and want to see her smile just one more time. I know shes watching over Isabel and I, she will remain in my heart until the day I die. I love you Delilah.


I hope everyone enjoyed this book! I enjoyed writing it, any comments about it please leave below! Thankyou to everyone who has voted for this book and given me positive comments as I was writing it! Sorry for the long gaps in between chapters, I couldnt find the time to write the chapters! I hope you enjoyed as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If this story gets to 1000+ votes there maybe a sequel! So get voting! xx

In Love with Luke Brooks (Janoskians)Where stories live. Discover now