Chapter 16

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I wake to the sound of the faucet turning on in the kitchen. I start to panic, that's Preston. I peek over the couch that I am currently on to see Preston brushing his teeth. I quietly walk up behind him, my heart beating out of my chest. I lean my back on the counter, nothing separating us.

As he turns around, his jaw drops.

"Preston." I say tears welling up in my eyes.

He stands there probably still comprehending what's going on.

I don't hesitate to hug him. I wrap my arms tightly around him not wanting to let him go. He slowly wraps his arms around me too. I missed his hugs, his smell, I missed everything about him.

I let go after god knows how long.

"Preston, I am so sorry. You don't know how much I regret leaving and it was a huge mistake. I left you once and I know I promised not to leave you again but this time if you please forgive me, I promise it won't happen. I missed you so much-" I rant.

He cuts me off by putting his lips to mine. His soft lips made all the stress leave my body. I didn't realize how much I wanted Preston and I to be more than friends up until this point. We break apart and his eyes search mine for an answer.

My lips tingle from where he kissed me. I cup his chin and kiss him again. He pulls me closer as I tangle my fingers through his hair.

We pull apart panting with huge smiles on both our faces.

"I'm pretty sure I missed you more." He says.

"Nawww" I reply.


We sit at the couch snuggled against each other while the hunger games played on the tv.

"Why did you suddenly become an alcoholic?" I say suddenly bringing the subject up.

He looks at me for a second.

"I only drank to make me think less of you. Every day, you don't understand how much it bothered me that you weren't here. I told you to never come back and those words haunted me more every day." He mumbles.

"Well I'm here now." I reply smiling.

"I'll stop drinking" He eyes scanned the room. "How long did it take you to clean the mess up?" He asks.

"Like five hours." I say truthfully.

"Wow, typical women." He jokes.

I hit him on the chest playfully.

"Why did you leave them?" He says seriously this time.

I panic, I was hoping he wouldn't bring it up.

I sit up and brace myself for his reaction. "Something happened."

He sits up straighter and faces me.

"What happened." He says sternly.

As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Now, I have no choice but to tell him. Obviously, he's not going to let the topic slide. No more secrets between us.

"Mitch." I take a breath. "He tried to rape me."

His face heats up and an expression that I've never seen crosses his face. It was scary how angry he looked.

"Are you serious?" He asks in a dark tone.

"I said tried!" I say trying to calm him down.

"That doesn't change anything! I swear I'm going to kill him." He mutters.

"Please, don't do anything stupid!" I plead.

"No, he needs to be taught a lesson." He says firmly.

"Please, no. Adam already told him to keep away from me." I explain. "He won't even be looking at me, I don't want you getting hurt."

"You think he's going to hurt me? I'm going to beat him until he can't open his eyes anymore." He threats.

"Stop. Let this go. I'm here and I'm not hurt so promise me you wont do anything dumb and calm down, okay?" I say.

He pauses for a second. I lean over and kiss him briefly. He lingers on it and holds me closer.

"Okay." He replies.

I can tell by a tone in his voice that he's not going to forget about it. Pax is coming up in a few months and their going to be seeing each other. All I can do it shield myself and wait for the blow.


Lol this chapter was kinda short, sorry!! I also apologize for my lack of affection

I hope you all enjoyed!!! Comment, vote and add to library!


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