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Philocaly: The love of beauty

Keith pov

When I tell people that I'm a witch, I get a variety of reactions but there's always the most common few.

There's the oh so familiar burst of laughter from the other person or group of people. And of course the:
"Haha good one!"
"You're joking right?"
"Ooh are you gonna cast a spell on me?"
"So do you curse people?"
"Do you worship the devil?"
And so on.
People tend to not take me seriously when I tell them.
How is Wicca/Witchcraft any different from any other religion? Oh right! Because it's not.
It's just got a very bad reputation from years of demonetization from hollywood.
Listen, Wicca is a nature based religion. Every aspect is used for good. No curses or shit like that.
Sure there are spells that exist but most are used to benefit yourself and your wellbeing. Using this religion and its powers for negative purposes is frowned upon greatly.
Karma is a large aspect in this branch of religion. What you put out into the world will come back to you in whatever state it is sent in; Negative or positive.
Now, you may think only females can be witches. That is very wrong.
In the media witches are perceived as old women with big noses and green skin, that's obviously all bullshit.
Witch isn't just a term used for females; Males and people of all genders can be witches. It's an umbrella term.
In this religion you can be anyone of any race, gender, sexuality, ect. Anyone can be a Wiccan.
This is starting to get boring and I apologize but just stay with me here.
This religion has no boundaries in that field.
In most religions homosexuality and just being queer in general is viewed as a bad thing and "If you're gay you'll burn in hell!" That's what I love about this religion, You can be gay, straight, Bi, Pan, ect and you won't be shamed for it!

I am gay.
Just gonna get that out of the way. That's one of the reasons I was drawn to this religion; It accepts everyone regardless of sexuality. That's what I love about it.
But it isn't all just fun and games.
Wicca can be dangerous if you do not prepare yourself enough. You may go to deep and release things that you did not intend too.
I've had my fair share of experiences.
Dabbling in anything associated with spirits is dangerous. You need to be very cautious when dealing with things like this.
Boring stuff is over for now, You can breath.

I should tell you about myself since that's why you're here.
My name is Keith and well yeah...I'm a witch! I've been practicing this beautiful religion since I was 13.
All of the open and accepting aspects of it drew me in.

I'm trying to not have this be a huge sob story but I need to be blunt or people won't get the message.

To put it simply and not be too dramatic: My parents left me at a very young age. I do not remember them at all. I have no recollection of anything up until about age 3 or 4.
They might still be alive or they could be dead for all I know.
I never knew them so I truly don't care. Having parents has never been an important thing in my life. Never has and never will.
As I grew up I've lived with multiple foster families.
Some good and some bad.
I never connected with any of them to a great extent.
I was kicked out just recently by my foster family of 2 years when they found out about my witchcraft practices and they also found out about me being queer.
I had to pick myself up, get my shit together and grow up.

I can be naive and stubborn. I've got some lowkey discipline issues, I always have. That might be from my genes of just how I was brought up.
My young mind kept getting mixed up from being thrown into so many foster homes. What I was taught was right in some houses were different from the next.
Nobody taught me right from wrong.

I currently live in a slightly shitty apartment in a bad area of my city with my best friend.
It's all we can afford. But I'm content with it, It's better than a homeless shelter.
I held three jobs at one point so I could save up for university but all of that was thrown away just to move here.
My previous foster parents actually send me money which I am ever so thankful for.
They did kick me out but they didn't want me to die in a gutter out in the streets. They just didn't "Approve of my lifestyle choices"

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auWhere stories live. Discover now