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Covet: The yearn to possess or have

Keith pov

"Don't wear that Keith! You're going to a school dance, not a strip club" Shiro hissed at me once I showed him my outfit.
"I look good do I not??" I retorted and put a hand on my hip.
"You look like a hooker" Shiro groaned and held his face in his hands.
"Good" I replied.

For the dance I decided to wear a black button up with dark grey bats on it. I didn't like the bottom hem of the shirt so I cut it off into a crop top. Button up crop tops aren't a thing, I still want to look hot and formal.
I paired this with fishnets pulled up to my waist and shredded jeans.
For the extra effect I smeared some red eyeshadow around my eyes so I looked even more dead.

Lance will for sure be coming home with me tonight.

"Whatever. I'm gonna get some tonight so don't be so jealous" I said sassily and grabbed my phone off the counter and looked around in our messy closet to choose some shoes.
"Good thing I'm not gonna be here" Shiro said sarcastically.
He's going to visit his mom over the break so I've got the place to myself.
"Don't break your bed please. We can't afford to get you a new one right now" He added rudely.
"Hm I'll try not too" I sassed.

I checked my phone and Lance texted me that he's here.

"He's here" I said to Shiro.
I picked just plan black doc martens and slipped them on.
"Give me a hug before you go. I won't see you for days!" Shiro exclaimed.
I turned around and hugged him. He squeezed me tightly back.
"You're so small, great for hugging" He chuckled.
"Have a safe trip" I said letting go.
"Thanks. I'm leaving in about an hour so I won't be home when you get back" Shiro said.
"That shirt looks so stupid" He sighed.
"Goodbye Shiro" I chuckled and closed the door behind me.
"Bye!" He replied right before the door clicked shut.

I made my way downstairs, almost skipping from happiness.

I met Lance out front and he greeted me with a grin and with eyes almost bulging out of his head.
I smiled and gave him a twirl.
"God the things I'd love to do to you" He smirked.
"If you're lucky you can fulfill those tonight" I purred and stood on my tippy toes to press my lips to his.
"Only if you're good that is" I said after I broke away and then bit my lip.
Lance blushed slightly.
I pressed my chest to his.
Lance was shaking a bit.
His hangs flicked around nervously.
"Come on, You don't even have to hesitate" I said and grabbed his hands and put them on my waist.
Lance gave me a goofy embarrassed smile.
"We should go then. We're gonna be late" Lance said.
"Okay" I said and let him go.
He opened the passenger side door for me and I thanked him.
His car always smells nice.
Lance then got in next to me and we pulled away.
"I keep forgetting you have that" Lance said and tapped my navel piercing.
"I'm so scared its going to get caught on the fishnets" I chuckled.
"Oh by the way. Shiro's getting me an appointment at the shop he works at so I can get a tattoo" I added.
"Whoa really? That's great!" Lance exclaimed.
"Any ideas?" He asked.
"Hm I'm not sure but I want something provocative. So maybe something on my lower stomach or a little something on my neck" I shrugged.
"Shiro wants me to get a rainbow or something simple that represents who I am but honestly I'm thinking of just getting a simple line-art heart on my ass really" I added.
"That'd be cute" Lance giggled.

Lance pov

If Keith gets me hard before the dance is over I'm going to just scream.
I offered to drive us to the dance like the wonderful gentleman that I am.
Keith was happy to flirty on our way there.
Keith wasn't dressed to formal but obviously was dressed very sexy.
The fishnets added a really nice touch.
I was wearing just plan denim jeans and a black dress shirt and red tie.
Keith wanted red and black but the only red that's on his body is his tongue ring, plugs and some smeared red makeup around his eyes.
Maybe he just forgot.

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auWhere stories live. Discover now