
547 11 3

Selcouth: Rare

Keith pov

I has finished a few drinks I'd given money to Shiro to buy me.
Lance seemed pretty jumpy so I tried my best to comfort him.

The venue was really hot since there were so many people jam packed into the medium sized building.
I was sweating and decided to go to the bathroom. I looked around the venue and I saw a sign on the other side of the dancefloor.

Lance pov

Keith got up and told me he was going to the bathroom.
I nodded and watched him walk over to the dancefloor. The bathrooms were on the other side of the floor. Keith was one of the only people dressed in all black so I kept me eye on him with ease.
I felt my heart drop into my stomach when I saw those two guys get up from their table and start to follow Keith.
Nope, Nope.
I only noticed them because they blocked my view of Keith.
I felt a pang of panic in my chest.
Maybe they're not actually following him.
Maybe they're just going somewhere else.
I should just calm down and see if they follow him into the bathroom.
They did and I felt a pang of panic in my chest.
I quickly got up and raced off towards the bathroom.
It's almost like the crowd of people on the dancefloor turned into a sea. It was like a huge wall.

Keith pov

I managed to push my way through the people on the dancefloor and managed to get past the sea of people.
I pushed open the door and let it swing close behind me.
I examined myself in the mirror.
My face was a bit shiny with sweat.
I got some paper towel, wet it and wiped my face down.
I jumped a bit when I heard the door next to me open.
Two guys walked in.
I didn't think much about it until I realized that they were both almost a full foot taller than me AND they were both very buff.
They were both wearing dark jeans. One who was taller than the other was wearing a tank top with blue and grey stripes on it. The other a dark green dress shirt.
The taller one had bleach blonde hair with an undercut and the other a buzz cut.
The atmosphere changed and I began to feel nervous.
I just ignored them and continued.
I walked over to the trash can and threw my paper towel in. When I turned around one of them was right there behind me.
I had to look up.
The one blocking my way gave his friend a look and a nod.
I broke into a sweat.
The one in front of me pushed me back and pinned me against the wall.
"Uh-Um" I managed to choke out.
"If you make a sound I won't hesitate to slit your fucking throat!" He hissed at me, leaning in close and drawing a spring loaded pocket knife.
I took a breath, I was about to yell when he put a massive hand over my mouth.
He smelled strongly of whiskey an cheap cologne.
My heart was racing.
Why are they doing this? What did I do.
"Don't let anyone in!" He yelled at his friend.
"Where's your Spanish boy huh?" He purred and looked at me maliciously.
He moved his body closer to me. So close our chests were almost touching.
"He really shouldn't of left you alone. Pretty boys like you shouldn't be left alone" He said.
I tried to yell again but his hand just muffled it.
"Shut up!" He growled and pushed his hand against my mouth harder. I began to breath heavily.
He flung his arm back and gave his friend the knife.
I looked over at the other guy who was now playing with the knife. He gave me a look and raised an eyebrow.
I felt helpless.
There's no possible way I can overpower him, or his friend. They have a knife. Who knows what other weapons??
The guy grabbed my crotch with his now free hand.
I squirmed violently and tried to escape his grip.
"Stop moving!" He shouted.
I didn't listen.
I tried to kick at him but he stepped on both of my feet with just one of his.
"Stop-fucking-moving" He shouted again.
I whimpered.

Lance pov

The crowed seemed to become more and more dense as I desperately tried to push past people.
It had been almost two minutes of me just pushing past people.
My heart was pounding in my chest.
They better not touch Keith.

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora