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Nefarious: Wicked

Keith pov

The next two weeks went by fairly quickly.
I'm getting close with Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. We've spent lots of time together a group and I've been really happy! They make me feel like I finally belong.
I get along well with them all.

On the Monday two days after me and Lance's date we were both in really flirty moods.
In English Lance dropped his pen and it rolled under my chair. Lance got up to pick it up so I moved my chair back since that's the right thing to do. 
I happened to be wearing really tight pants that day. Tighter than usual. Lance bent down and grabbed his pen and oh so coincidently raised his head so it was between my legs ever so slightly. He made direct eye contact with me and just smirked.
"You got your pen Lance..." I said.
"I know" He grinned, then got up and sat back down.
I just kinda sat there in shock for a minute.

I've also had tests that I haven't studied for but I've managed to pass them all thankfully.
I've always just had that luck with school.

Okay I think Lance has a thing for "accidentally" touching me.
In class he'll "accidentally" brush his hands against my thigh every so often.
He's playing with me.
I can play too.

My birthday is this Tuesday and Shiro will not shut up about it.
I'm hoping Lance forgot the day I told him because I feel he'll make a big deal out of it.

It's Monday and today was very interesting.
Lance was being flirty as usual and I decided to do a little something to up my game but subtly.
When I went to Lance's locker at lunch so he could put away his books.
The hallway was crowded as usual. Lance had turned around to face me and I was already fairly close to him since there was so many people in the tiny hall. When he was quickly checking a text from Hunk I pushed myself onto him and let my hand graze his crotch.
He wasn't paying attention so I played it off like I was pushed.
"Fuck, I'm sorry" I said with a slightly guilty tone.
Lance caught on to what I was doing.
"No worries" He smirked.

We went and met Pidge and Hunk up on the roof like we have been.
I'm pretty used to this school already. 3 weeks in so far and I'm feeling good.
"Do you guys know what you're being for Halloween yet?" Lance asked Pidge and Hunk.
"I'm going as myself. That's scary" Pidge remarked.
"I might do a pun sort of costume" Hunk said taking a bite of a granola bar.
"Shiro is doing 50 shades of grey" I said.
"Oh I've seen that costume!" Pidge exclaimed. Hunk looked at us confused.
"You basically just glue 50 paint swatch sheets onto a shirt" I said.
"Ohhhh that makes sense" Hunk said. "What about you Lance?" Pidge asked. "Hm I don't know yet" He replied.
"I might go shopping this week" He added.
"What about you Keith?" Lance asked. "Uh I might just be a cat. I don't like pussy but I like cats" I said. Hunk snorted.
"I like dogs" Lance said.
"I really want a cat but I can't because my apartment is pet free" I sighed.
"Oh speaking of apartments. How is everything going? How's Shiro?" Lance asked.
"Everything is good. Shiro is doing good. He's been saving up for a car and almost has enough for one he's had his eye on. He's trying to find a job as well" I replied.
"That's good" Lance said.
"He has been on edge the last few nights. He's stayed up late because he was worried he'll have nightmares" I said.
"He misses his mom though. That's why " I added.
"Well that's understandable" Lance said.
"He really wants to see Matt though" I said to Pidge.
"I bet Matt would be happy to see him" Pidge replied.

I'm in a fairly bad mood today. I guess it's because I didn't get a good sleep.
People have really been pissing me off more than usual. I'm an angry person but lately I've been keeping it on the inside since it really scares people off. I actually want friends and I don't want to scare everyone off by snapping at them.
Today I'm just extra mad.
Little things people have been doing are just driving me insane.
Someone in English was taping their pencil on their desk and it was so annoying but I just clenched my fists and put headphones in.

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat