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Alpas: To become free, to break loose

Keith pov

Lance is really charming.
He's flirty too.
We're in the same science class. Lance was very happy to see that I joined.
Everyone in that class seems very boring.
Lance is also in my final fourth block which is English.
Lance helped me introduce myself to the teacher since he's had this teacher every grade so far. He said this teacher is his favourite. Her name is Ms. Finch and she seems really nice. Lance ended up getting snapped at since he kept talking to me.

The elevator in my building is broken and I'm renting on the 10th floor... So I have a lot of fucking stairs to climb up and it's not fun when you're wearing 3 inch heels.
When I got to my apartment I was fumbling around in my backpack for my keys when who I assumed was my neighbour stepped out of his front door.
"Hello" He said cheerfully.
He's an older man with grey hair and beard. "Hi" I greeted.
"You've got a real nice bike son" He said.
"Thanks" I laughed.
"Since the parking spots are in numerical order you're parked right next to me. I know it's you because you're the only person in this complex that's got a bike" He chuckled. "Welcome to the building, I'm Don" He said holding a hand out for me.
I accepted and shook it.
"Keith" I replied. "You look pretty young to be living here, Do you live alone?" He asked.
"Nope, I live with my friend" I smiled. "You're both still in school?" He asked. "I am. Not my friend, He's graduated already. But I'm a senior, I'll be graduating this June" I replied.
"Good luck to you" He said and patted my shoulder.
"Thank you" I said and he walked off.
Friendly guy I guess.
Good thing to know I have one nice neighbour. I wonder what the other one is like.

I eventually found my keys at the bottom of my bag and I unlocked my door.
The smell of my dragons blood incense greeted me.
I threw my bag onto my floor and locked my door as well as the slide lock Shiro installed.
Oh look another gay stereotype I fall under!!
I'm not handy with tools or anything of that sort. I don't even know what model my fucking motorcycle is!
I just kinda went online and found the ad and went with my foster father to go pick it up.
We brought his truck and the seller and him talked for almost 2 hours. I could barely get a word in because they were just chatting away like old friends.
I saved up for a very long time to get that bike. My foster parents paid for half as a birthday gift.

You really might be wondering what's up with my whole family situation. I've explained this before but some things may not seem to add up.
Yes my previous foster parents help me out with paying my rent. They really did like me!
Like I've said: They only kicked me out because they didn't aprove of my lifestyle. It was hard for them to kick me out too. My foster mother was crying the day I moved out.
"Well why did they kick you out if they liked you that much" Like I just mentioned: They just didn't approve and just couldn't handle my gay ass living there anymore.
These people have a lot of money.

That day we got the bike, we were on a farm. While my foster dad and the seller were talking, I wandered off and found out they had horses there.
I went up and pet them. There were two identical snow white horses. I fed them some long grass from the other side of the fence. When I went back I found a cat was following me and it followed me all the way back to the area my foster dad was.
"There you are" He said. "I was wondering where you went"
So we bought the bike and I made an attempt at helping my foster dad put the bike into the back of his truck. The bike was clean but the underside sure wasn't. I ended up getting dirt all over my jeans, shirt, and hands.
I complained for a hot second.
"Don't act so gay Keith, It's just dirt" My foster dad said.
Oh little did he know.
At that moment I tried not to laugh my fucking head off.
We secured the bike down with straps and thanked the guy who sold it to us.

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auWhere stories live. Discover now