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Hyperreal: exaggerated in comparison to reality

Keith pov

Friday came quicker than I would of liked.
I'd given Lance my address through the text and he was supposed to be picking me up outside the entrance of my building since he can't get in without a key. Lance was picking me up at 7.
School seemed to go by fast.
Lance was extra flirty today which I didn't mind.

"I'll see you at 7 then?" Lance asked as I hopped on my bike. "Yup" I replied. He waved goodbye and I headed off.

I haven't changed out of my school clothes yet but I'll worry about that later when the time comes.
My palms were sweaty and clammy.


"So, This whole date. Explain to me" Shiro said.
"Lance just asked me out and I said yes. We've been flirting on and off for days but I've just met him. It'll be nice" I smiled.
"How tall is he?" Shiro asked.
I gave him a perplexed look.
"Why?" I asked.
"If he's taller than you it'll be cute if you have to stand up on your tippy toes to kiss him" He teased.
"Shut up" I groaned.
"He's 6'0 exactly. But Shiro, we might not even work out, This is just a date" I said.
"Fuck that reminds me, I need to get ready for said date" I said.

What am I going to wear?
It's just a coffee date so I shouldn't go all out.
Nothing too sexy, Maybe something cute but comfy?
I dug through my mess of a closet.
I picked out a black tank top with a fun pattern of skeletons on it and some ripped grey jeans. My hair is a total mess so I spent 10 minutes tying to find a beanie. I did eventually find it behind my bed.
I switched out my solid black plugs for a hollow red pair.
"Is this okay? Is it too much?" I asked Shiro when I stepped out of my room. "It's fine, You look great" He replied. "Ugh I feel so bad that I have to leave you here" I groaned.
"Keith it's fine! You're not going to be gone all night. I can handle being by myself for a few hours. I leave you alone all the time" Shiro said putting a large hand on my shoulder.
"I just feel bad" I mumbled. "Everything is fine. I'm happy for you" He smiled.
"So is he picking you up?" Shiro asked. "Yeah" I replied.
"He said he'll text me when he's here"

"How are your piercings doing by the way?" He asked.
"My tongue is pretty much healed and I've been changing the rings every day this week. My nips are still kinda sore so I can't sleep on my stomach" I said.
"Don't say "nips" that's weird" Shiro said.
"Oh sorry, My nipples are still kind of sore" I said in a mocking tone and put my hands over my chest.
I flinched and then removed them.
"That hurt" I yelped.
"I still can't believe you went through with those. You almost broke my hand because you squeezed it so hard" Shiro laughed.
"They were horrible! You fucking go and get one of the most sensitive areas of your body stabbed with a needle and tell me how good it felt!" I hissed.
"The stupid barbells are so ugly and I want to change them" I groaned.
"I bought cool black ones but I'm not supposed to change them yet"
"Just be patient" Shiro sighed.
Me? Patient?" I said.
"Patience? Never heard of her" I added.
I felt my phone buzz from my pocket.
I checked it and it was Lance.
My heart skipped a beat.
"He's here!" I squealed and ran to the door like ah excited child.
"Fuck what shoes do I wear?" I yelled to Shiro.
"Wear the creepers" He called.
"Good idea!" I yelled back.
Good thing the shoes were sitting right at the front of the closet.
I quickly slipped them on.
"Good luck" Shiro said walking over to where I was standing.
"Thank you. I'll be back in a bit"
"Have fun" he called after me.
I waved goodbye before I shut the door.

I was almost out of breath by the time I managed to get down all those flights of stairs.
I pushed one of the front doors of the building open.
I almost started crying when I saw Lance.
He was leaned up against his car holding a bouquet of roses.
I covered my mouth with my hand to keep myself from looking stupid from smiling so much.
How fucking romantic is that??!
"You look really good" I managed to say.
Lance was wearing a grey jacket with a baby blue shirt underneath with plain black jeans similar to mine.
"I can say the same for you" He smiled and handed me the flowers.
I can't believe he got me flowers.
He went to a store and got me flowers.
He went out of the way to do that.
"I feel bad because I didn't bring you anything" I sighed.
"Oh don't worry about that, Just having you here is the best gift I could ask for" Lance said.
I smiled and looked down at my shoes.
"Should we go then?" He asked. I nodded.
Lance walked over to the drivers side and got in. I awkwardly clambered in next to him and set the bouquet nicely on my lap and did up the seat belt.
I noticed a tacky hula girl stuck to the dashboard of the older car. I poked it and snickered.
"That's my brothers. We share a car and he refuses to take it down. He superglued it to the dashboard so he'll have a fun time trying to get it off if we decide to sell this piece of shit" Lance grunted.
"I think it's cute" I grinned.
Lance shifted the car into drive and we headed off.

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auWhere stories live. Discover now