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Cathect: To invest emotion or feeling in an idea, object, or other person

Keith pov

"Hey cutie" A voice to my left said.
It was Lance.
I felt a blush creep onto my face.
He sat down beside me on the risers.
I got to school early so I could try and get my locker open, no avail.
It was us two and about 7 other kids in the room.
"Hey" I replied.
"How are you?" Lance asked flashing a white toothed smile at me.
"I-I'm good" I said.
Fuck there goes my confidence for the day.
I make an attempt at sounding chill but I swallow hard and stammer, great. I cleared my throat.
"How are you?" I asked back.
"Eh I'm pretty good, A bit tired but that's nothing new" Lance chuckled.

He called me cute I cannot believe.

Lance pov

As soon as I saw that Keith was sitting alone in Drama I sped over to him and struck up a conversation.
I am 98% sure he's gay now.

I didn't think I could get any more attracted to Keith than I already am but boy was I ever wrong.
Today he's wearing leggings with different sized holes cut all over them and just a simple black t-shirt that says "I'll see you in hell" Written on it in white edgy font. I also noticed he had the shirt tied up so it sat on his waist. His leggings are high waisted so I guess I understand why he has it tied up but I could be wrong. Maybe the shirt is just too long on him, I have no idea. I don't care about the reason and all I know is that he looks great once again.

That class Me, Keith, Hunk, and Pidge started to go over our lines for an upcoming skit but us 3 kept going off course and talking to Keith and asking him stuff just to get to know him.
I found out a bit about him but the few that really stood out to me were:
1. He moved here from Texas
2. He has a motorcycle
3. His birthday is October 23rd which is a few weeks away
4. He has over 100 pairs of shoes and finally he got expelled from his last school because...get ready, you're not gonna believe it: He fucking lit a car on fire in his school's parking lot!!
That's insane!
I'm a little bit intimidated by him now just knowing he actually pulled something like that off.
When the second bell rang us 4 got up and shuffled over to the door.
I noticed Keith is significantly shorter than me. The top of his head comes up about to where my chin is.
That's adorable.
I wonder how tall he is? He seemed taller yesterday but he was wearing heels.
"You seem shorter" I said to him.
"I'm not wearing heels today" Keith laughed.
"How tall are you?" He asked me. "You're way up there"
"I'm six feet exactly" I said.
"Whoa okay holy shit" Keith chuckled. "That's tall"

Keith isn't in my second block class which is sad. He seems very mysterious.
I like it.
I forgot to mention that I had such a weird and realistic dream last night. It's not like my normal dreams because this felt real, I could feel heat and wind.
The dream was that me and Keith were at a ceremony together and we were wearing traditional voodoo outfits and we're having fun playing and dancing with the spirits. A wispy turquoise aura thing was connecting me and Keith. It looked like a swirl almost. If you were to drop a bit of food colouring into a glass of water; that's what it looked like.
I could feel the heat of the fire in front of us, the dirt under my bare feet. The spirits were telling me that he's my soulmate and we are connected. Spirits aren't always right though and it was just a dream. I just met Keith...So it was a little weird to say the least.
The dream sounds lame but it was so nice.

When lunch rolled around I met up with Hunk and Pidge as usual.
" I want to go find Keith" I announced. "Well hi to you too" Pidge scoffed. "Deadass didn't even say hi to us" Hunk added.
"Hello my amazing wonderful friends!" I said a bit over the top. Pidge crossed their arms and stuck their tongue out at me.
I immediately recognized Keith as he rushed past me amongst a crowd of other students. I sped up to him, pushing past people.
"Hey" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He jumped a bit in surprise and turned around quickly.
"Oh it's just you" He sighed.
We were stopped in the middle of the hall.
"Move you dipshit!" Somebody yelled from behind me. I grabbed Keith's arm and pulled him to the side, out of the crowd.
"Do you wanna eat lunch with me, Pidge, and Hunk?" I asked him letting go of his arm.
"Yeah sure. I have nowhere else to go" He said.

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