
1.4K 18 33

Lust: very strong sexual desire


((This chapter will contain sexual content and alcohol consumption. If you're not okay with that stuff you can just skip this chapter.
This is the longest chapter I have EVER written btw. 15k+ I also recently found out that about a year ago California changed their legal drinking age to 18))


Keith pov

In a matter of a few hours after I got back to the apartmen.
I soon found myself waiting at a tattoo and piercing parlour with Shiro.
I forgot I'd mentioned that I wanted to get my belly button pierced and guess what the fucker did; Scheduled me an appointment.
I was filled with glee.
It was only a few blocks away from our apartment so we just walked.
Shiro had directions on his phone.

"So what's the pain scale with this?" I asked the piercer who was now stood over me.
He looked to be in his early 30's. Giant 1 inch ear gauges and a ton of piercings and tattoos. He was bald but had tattoos on the sides of his head.
I saw he had a name tag that said Greg in white font.
"It really depends on your pain tolerance. I've had some people who've said they barely felt anything, and others who said it hurt like a bitch" He replied.
My hands were stuck to the leather chair with sweat.
"I see you've got your tongue pierced. I'd say it's about as painful as that, maybe a bit less" He added.
"How many others do you have?" He asked.
I moved my hair out of the way of my ears and showed him the piercings lining my ears.
He nodded and turned around to get things ready.
"Oh uh and..." I said.
He turned back around.
I lifted up my shirt to show him my nipples.
"Oh bud this will be nothing compared to those!" He exclaimed.
He turned back around and opened up the package with the needle in it.
I know how all this goes down.
"You can leave your shirt up, I'm almost ready" He said.
I glanced over at Shiro who was sitting on a stool next to me on the opposite side of the piercer.
"Whoa, When did you get abs?" Shiro chuckled looking at my stomach.
"Uh I don't know, How have you not noticed yet?" I asked him.
"You really don't take your shirt off" He replied.
"Oh sorry!" I mocked.
"I'm not complaining Keith" He laughed.
I took my shirt off then and there and shoved at at Shiro. He took ahold of it.
"I'm fucking ready! Let's do this!" I exclaimed.
Greg chuckled.
He wiped down the area with rubbing alcohol.
"Good luck" Shiro snickered and gave my stomach a eager harsh slap with the back of his hand.
I squealed.
Greg got the clamp thing and marked off the area on my skin with marker.
"Want me to hold your hand?" Shiro offered.
"For your benefit I will" I said.
"Oh for my benefit?" Shiro chuckled.
"I've been here for almost all your piercings kid, You always ask to hold my hand" Shiro said.
He held it out and I accepted.
I got a good firm grip as Greg put the clamp over the area he marked and steadied the needle.
"Take a big breath in" He said calmly.
I braced myself and inhaled.
I gripped Shiro's hand and shut my eyes.
"And out" He said.
I exhaled and I felt the sharp sting and  pitch of the needle.
"Mm-Fuck" I growled quietly.
"There! Worst parts over" Greg said.
I felt him put the jewelry in.
I opened my eyes and loosened my grip on Shiro's hand.
"All done!" Greg announced.
I looked down at the new silver now decorating my navel.
"It suits you" Shiro beamed.
"Lance will be impressed" He chuckled.
I let go of his hand and gave him a light shove.
"I've got this and a pamphlet of cleaning instructions and the healing time and all that" Greg said and handed me a small bottle of piercing cleaner and a pamphlet.
"Thanks man" I said and got up.
Shiro handed me my shirt.
"No problem" Greg replied and smiled.
"I'm hoping to see you again. I'll be back soon" I said waving to him as we exited the small room.
"Oh god Keith what do you have in mind next?" Shiro groaned.
"Please tell me you don't want your dick pierced next" He sighed.
"Damn you caught me!" I joked.
Shiro looked at me horrified.
"I'm kidding man" I said.
"Good" He sighed a breath of relief.

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auWhere stories live. Discover now