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Rantipole: A wild, reckless young person

Keith pov

I really like Lance.
I really really like Lance.
I need to get to know him because I don't operate like that. I need to know the person before I make any drastic moves. Flirting here and there with Lance is okay in my books but he's flirting back.


Later that night I ended up doing a ritual since I had time and Shiro promised not to bug me.
Well it was more of a sleep spell since I've been having trouble sleeping lately.
I unfortunately had to stay up until midnight because that's when the spell was supposed to be initiated.
I had surrounded myself with candles with me holding a single silver one. I had cast my circle and said my chant. I had to wait a few minutes.
I'll admit I was very extra with this spell; I didn't need to light candles at all but I've got a good connection with fire so if helps me feel more powerful and spiritually connected to the elements.

After I had preformed the spell I undid the circle I had formed (Candle circle and magick circle) and I felt pretty good. It was really late considering I have school tomorrow.
I was already in my pyjamas as I was doing the spell and I was all ready for bed once I was done.

The spell worked!
I woke up feeling really good.
I got to sleep quickly and stayed asleep all night.
It's a nice change.
I still feel charged up with positive energy from last night so I hope I have a good day.

Lance pov

I want to impress Keith.
I said that already.
He seems confident with his wardrobe choices and I want to get on his level of extra.
So what's a good thing to wear when you're trying to be extra?
A crop top duh!
And what better thing to pair it with is black skinny jeans.
So a little backstory on this crop top I have (The only one)
Crop tops were originally designed for men if you didn't know.
I lost a bet with hunk only a few weeks after that high heel bet.
He bet me if I didn't burn any food in culinary (We were both in the class last yeae) well I lost obviously and I bought the crop top from forever 21. I wore it and got teased but it was all in good fun. But I'm wearing it to impress this mysterious goth boy.

"You are not wearing that" Lucas said as I walked downstairs. "Uh yes I am" I retorted. "You're so embarrassing" He groaned.
I posed and blew him a kiss.
"Well I like it" Lucia said coming down behind me.
"Thank you!" I said.
"At least someone here can appreciate my fashion sense" I said.
Lucia laughed.
"Let's go" Lucas sighed and grabbed my arm.
I had to sit down for like 5 minutes to put on my converse and Lucas was nagging at me the whole time. "Shut up already" I hissed at him finally tying up the last knot.
"Let's go already Lance goddammit" Lucas said.
"I'm ready!" I said covering his mouth before he could snap at me again.
I'm not in the mood to drive so I let Lucas.
The week is almost over thankfully, I'm just sick of school. My grades aren't shit but they could be better in all honesty.

We arrived just a few minutes before the bell rang. I sprinted down the hall to my class yelling goodbye at my brother.
I got there on time and pushed the door open with relief filling my body.
I saw Pidge and Hunk in our usual corner and Keith was standing by Mr. Palmer talking to him.
I went and sat down by my friends.
"Didn't know it was crop top day" Pidge exclaimed as Keith sat down next to me.
Keith was deadass wearing a crop top too. But his is a bit longer than mine and in black. A big skeleton hand holding up the finger was on it.
"Oh hey haha" Keith laughed looking at my outfit.
"You guys are twinning!" Hunk chirped.
"One of the only differences is that Keith looks so much better than I do, And his is black" I purred.
Keith looked a bit surprised by my response.
Keith giggled.
He's so cute.
"Frankly I think you look better than I do" Keith said.
"Oh is that so?" I replied smugly.
"Yup" Keith beamed.
"Oooh we got some flirting going on!" Pidge sang.
"I'm not flirting" Keith said.
"I'm just stating facts"
That was smooth, fuck.

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auWhere stories live. Discover now