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Rêveuse: Dreamer

Keith pov

Me, Lance and Shiro all hung out for a bit. Just talking about happy lighthearted things as I tried to forget what happened.
Lance got up and answered a phone call a while into the day.
He went into my room to talk privately.
I could hear him slightly.
He was speaking full on Spanish very quickly.
I didn't understand anything he said. When he came back he said it was Lucas and he was wondering where he was. Lance just told him that he went to a friends house.
"Do you want a ride home yet?" I asked Lance.
"Yeah I think that would be best. My mom might get upset if she finds out I went home with you. She'll already be pissed since I skipped" Lance said. "Ugh but I don't want to go on that death trap vehicle again" He groaned. "I forgot that you guys did technically skip" Shiro said.
"I don't approve of skipping but you're an adult so I'm not going to try and convince you" Shiro said.
"Well you're technically not an adult yet. Tomorrow you'll officially be an adult" He added.
"It's your birthday tomorrow?!" Lance squeaked. I groaned and glared at Shiro for telling Lance.
"Yes" I mumbled. "I thought I told you when my birthday was already?"
"I don't know. You might of but I obviously forgot" Lance said.
"Just don't make a big deal out of it okay?" I asked.
"That means both of you!" I growled at both Shiro and Lance.
"But Keith you're gonna be 18! That's a big deal" Shiro exclaimed.
"We'll talk more when I get back. I have to drive Lance home" I said.
I grabbed a jacket and me and Lance put our shoes on.
I gave Lance the helmet again.
"It was really nice to meet you Shiro" Lance called on our way out.
"It was nice to meet you too Lance" Shiro said.

We made our way down the stairs again. It's much easier going down.
"I should buy another helmet incase I run into situations like this" I said. "That's a good idea. We both should wear helmets" Lance said.
I made Lance put his stuff in my jacket pocket this time around.
He gave me very specific directions to get to his house so we don't have to stop so he can tell me. We can't hear each other unless we yell.
I'm only slightly framiliar with the roads but the directions seemed easy enough.
When we stopped at red lights he'd point and tell me where to go as well.
He lives out in the country which I didn't know.
He wasn't shaking this time but was still clinging onto me.
I followed his instructions and I pulled into a subdivision and he pointed to which house was his.
I pulled into the long gravel driveway.
It was a nice size farm looking house. They have a huge yard.
Lance got off and handed me my helmet and I gave him his phone and gum.
We could hear each other now that we weren't on the road.
"Thanks for driving me" Lance said. "No problem" I said.
"I'm sorry about what happened today. I'm going to try and figure out how I did that" I said and put the helmet on.
"Stop apologizing Keith. It's all good" He said.
"Text me when you get back okay?" He added.
"Yup" I said. I waved goodbye and backed my bike out of the driveway and headed back to the city.

Lance pov

"I heard you skipped today" My mother exclaimed as soon as I came in the door. She was wearing her usual jeans and t-shirt. Her hair was tightly pulled back into a bun.
She was waiting for me to get home.
"Yes, I'm sorry mamá" I said.
"Sorry won't fix it" She scolded.
"Lance who was the guy on the motorcycle?!" I heard Lucas yell as he bounded down the stairs.
"That was Keith" I said.
"That's him??" Lucas asked bewildered. "Excuse me, Motorcycle?" My mother asked very concerned.
"I went to a friends apartment and he drove me home on his motorcycle" I explained.
"But yes Lucas that's him"
"Why would you go on a motorcycle? Are you stupid?" My mother shouted. "It was the only way I was getting to and from his apartment. Plus he offered to drive" I groaned.
"How old is this boy?" My mother asked. "He's 17 but he will be 18 tomorrow" I said.
"And he lives on his own in the city?" She questioned.
"He has a roommate" I said.
"No confío en nadie con una motocicleta" She mumbled and went into the kitchen.
I took my shoes off and I turned to see Lucas just looking at me kind of shocked.
"Lance he's so hot!" Lucas said.
"I'm very aware of that Lucas" I said putting my hand on my hip.
"You've been talking about him lots but I thought you were exaggerating a bit. You definitely were not exaggerating" Lucas added.
"He's so hot" Lucas said again.
"I know!" I exclaimed.
"He's got a really good ass" He said.
"I told you that! Like 3 weeks ago"
"Really? I don't remember"
"It's better in person"
"I believe you"
"God, I really just want to...You know" I said lowering my voice.
"Oh and what would that be?" Lucas said pretending to not know what I'm talking about.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"You're gay so you should know what I'm talking about"
Lucas snickered at my comment.
"You two would be cute" He giggled. "Mamá is in the next room and I don't want her to hear me talking about Keith like that" I said.
"C'mon" I said and grabbed Lucas's arm and pulled him upstairs to my room.
I kicked some clothes and junk on my floor out of our way.
We both sat on my bed.
"Okay so today he put his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek" I said.
"Really?" Lucas squeaked. I nodded proudly.
"He's got some good abs too. Well I don't entirely know that for sure but when I was holding onto him on the first motorcycle ride his stomach felt like really smooth and hard" I explained.
"That's hot" Lucas remarked.
"Okay but I need to tell you the real reason why we both skipped" I said. "I'm listening" Lucas chirped.
"You're probably not going to believe this but you know I don't lie"
"What happened?"
"I'm trying to tell you shh!"
"So Keith is a Wiccan. Like he practices witchcraft but I found this out after this incident happened. But long story short some guys bumped into Keith in the hall and he started going off on them then all of a sudden scratches formed on their arms and Keith was horrified. He wasn't touching them. Nobody was near them. He told me that he wanted to scratch them but then it actually happened. Lucas, He like did it with his mind!" I explained.
Lucas looked shocked.
"Whoa-What? So like he scratched them without even touching them?" Lucas asked.
"Yes, That's what I'm trying to say!" I exclaimed.
"So Keith wanted to leave school because of this, which is understandable.
He was so scared and almost in a panic. I didn't want to go to class without him so I tagged along" I added.
"I believe you Lance. I know you don't lie but this just sounds...fake. It just sounds like a movie scene" Lucas said. "I know it does. I was scared too.
I'm just worried about Keith.
I really care about him even though I haven't known him for that long. I really feel a connection you know? I like him and I think he likes me and when he smiles or giggles it just makes me so happy inside. I hated to see him so vulnerable and afraid" I said looking at my floor and my mismatched socks. "You really must like him huh?" Lucas said.
"Just that whole thing you just said about him really shows you care about him" He added.
"It's nice seeing you care for someone other than yourself" He snickered. 
I gave him a shove.
"Don't push me!" He hissed, sticking his tongue out at me.
"I can push you all I want!" I retorted. Lucas shoved me back.
I pushed him off my bed and onto the floor.
"I hate you!" He laughed and gave me the finger.
"Go stick that finger up your ass!" I shouted. Lucas tossed a nearby pillow at me. It just missed the candles on my bedside table.
"You're gonna knock over my candles you idiot!" I hissed at him.
"You're gonna knock over my candles" He said in a mocking tone.
"Is that what I sound like to you?" I asked.
"Yes!" Lucas shouted back.
"Get out!" I laughed.
"Fine!" He yelled.
"Can you both stop fucking yelling?!" Lucia shouted barging into my room and almost whacking the door into our brother.
"Says you! You just yelled!" I spat. "Shut up Lance!" She barked.
"What are you both yelling about?" She asked coming into my room.
"None of your business sweetie!" Lucas said.
"Get out! No thots allowed in my room!" I shouted.
"You motherfucker!" She screeched and lunged at me, almost tripping over Lucas who was still on the floor.
Lucia isn't actually a thot. I just call her that to piss her off because it's fun.
"¿Qué demonios está pasando aquí?" I heard our fathers voice over all the shouting we three were doing.
"Solo estamos jugando a luchar con papá" Lucas chimed in over me and Lucia's bickering.
"Todos están siendo terriblemente ruidosos" Our father said. He gave us all a stern look.

Ethereal: A Klance "witch" auWhere stories live. Discover now